星期四, 9月 06, 2012

◇ 一 位 年 輕 貴 族 的 畫 像 Portrait of A Young Nobel Man - Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury ( 3 mar.1583– 1648)

. flower language of . p e t u n i a :
. A sense of calm and serene I feel when I'm with you.

Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Lute Book, a manuscript provides a rich but little-known repertoire for ten-course lute in Renaissance tuning, which was soon to vanish in favour of the newly developed French Baroque lute.   Composers in the book included Anthony Holborne, John Dowland, and post-Downland generation like Jacques Gaultier, Jacob Polonais, Julien Perrichon and Robert Johnson, son of Queen Elizabeth's (1533- 1603) lutenist, John Johnson; and the last great English composer for the lute, Daniel Bacheler.

Edward Herbert, portrait by Isaac Oliver.
