星期六, 3月 31, 2012

dip in the pool ● ノスタルジア Nostalgia ●

f l o r a . c a s t :
Cordia 仙 枝 花, 破 布 子
Streptosolen 桔 醬 木
Mirabilis 紫 茉 莉, 白 粉 花, 煮 飯 花, 午 後 四 點, 地 雷 花
Schizanthus 蝴 蝶 草, 窮 人 蘭

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

wiki: Many flowers have been compared to butterflies, but Schizanthus 蝴蝶花, 窮人的蘭花 is the only one that has received the common name of "butterfly flower". The Butterfly Weed Asclepias 馬利筋 and the Butterfly Bush Buddleja 醉蝶木are named not because they resemble butterflies, but because they attract them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizanthus