虹 的 彼 岸- T h e O t h e r S h o r e o f T h e R a i n b o w
Once upon a time when boys dressed in colours and girls sang the colours of the rainbow. 宿命的變色龍 真實色 虹的彼端
Syzygium campanulatum Korth. 1 8 4 8 syn. Eugenia oleina/ Eugenia mytifolia ( Lillypilly)/ 紅 楠 木/ 鐘 花 蒲 桃
The type species of Syzygium R.Br. ex Gaertn. 1788: Syzygium caryophyllaeum Gaertn. 桃 金 娘 科 蒲 桃 属
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill & Perry 丁 香 C l o v e
Syzygium samarangense 蓮 霧 W a t e r A p p l e
The genus name of this plant 'Syzygium' is derived from the Greek "syzygos", meaning joined, yoked together; referring to the paired leaves and branches.
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