星期一, 4月 23, 2012

珍 稀 的 花, 亦 自 戀 之 色 A Rare Flower, oʀ The Narcissistic Color of Shade of Yellow_蘭花 The Orchids of 90s & 水仙 Jonquil of 00s.Chad Valley & Trophy Wife 貴夫人

Glasgow based THE ORCHIDS from 1988 - 我 有 個 習 慣 I've Got A Habit 7" (SARAH02), 1988 - 學 院 Lyceum, 1989 - 不 潔 的 靈 魂 Unholy Soul, 1991 - 伊 比 鳩 魯 信 徒- 配 樂 comp. Epicurean- A Soundtrack, 1992 - 致 力 於 怠 惰 之 完 美 Striving For The Lazy Perfection, 1994 當 個 陌 生 人 真 好 Good To Be A Stranger, 2007 - 失 落 的 星 The Lost Star, 2010

(B e a t i t u d e # 9, 2ol4; 3 jun 2ol5)

Oxgord based JONQUIL from 2006 - Sunny Casinos, 2006 - Lions, 2007 - three members of JONQUIL formed new band: TROPHY WIFE - vocals of JONQUIL, Hugo Manuel's personal project: CHAD VALLEY, 赤 道 附 近 超 音 波 Equatorial Ultravox, 2011 - JONQUIL's 3rd album: Point Of Go on Blessing Force Records.

伊 比 鳩 魯 認為最大的善是驅逐恐懼、追求快樂,以達到一種寧靜ataraxia且自由的狀態,並透過知識免除生理的痛苦aponia,降低欲望。

. f lora cast in THE ORCHIDS :
Pleione x barberae _ (自 然 雜 交) 一 葉 蘭
Dendrobium _ 石 斛 蘭
Spiranthes cernua _ (美 洲) 綬 蘭
Brassavola cucullata _ 百 拉 索 蘭
Ophrys eleonorae _ (科 西 嘉 ) 蜂 蘭 Bee Orchid, a male bee is engaged here in pseudocopulation. Link.

. f lora cast in JONQUIL :
Narcissus poeticus _ Poet's Narcissus, Pheasant's Eye
Narcissus pseudonarcissus _ (Wild) Daffodil
Narcissus tazetta _ Paperwhite Narcissus, 水 仙
Narcissus jonquilla _ Jonquil
Nerium oleander _ 夾 竹 桃
Anagallis monelli _ (地 中 海) 繁 縷, 窮 人的 氣 壓 計 Poorman's Weatherglass

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

JONQUIL Biography
recorded an album in our bedrooms // released an album // played a few shows // recorded another album in a deserted house // toured all over europe // built a studio // built another studio // went to america // recorded an album in a proper studio

Band interests
surfing / turfing