星期日, 4月 29, 2012

∬ 學 著 一 身 香 Scholars With Many Flora: 破布木屬 Cordia, 捕魚木屬 Grewia, 緬梔屬 Plumeria ɛ 鄧伯花屬 Thunbergia

Botanists with flora stamps of Ascension Island, 28 Aug. 2008.

Cordia L. 1753 仙枝花, 破 布 木 属 ( 紫草/ 琉璃苣科), for Valerius Cordus ( 18 Feb. 1515– 25 Sep. 1544), a German physician and botanist, who pioneered a method for synthesizing ether 乙 醚 ( which he called by the poetic Latin name oleum dulci vitrioli, or "sweet oil of vitriol 甜 礬 油") in his book De Extractione, published by Conrad von Gesner ( 26 Mar. 1516– 13 Dec. 1565).

破 布 子 Cordia dichotoma, 台灣原生植物,

Grewia L. 1754 水蓮木, 捕魚木, 扁 担 杆 属 ( 锦葵科), for Nehemiah Grew ( 26 Sep. 1641– 25 March 1712), an English plant anatomist and physiologist, famously known as the "Father of plant physiology".

Plumeria L. 1753 雞蛋花, 緬 梔 屬 ( 夾竹桃/ 羅布麻科), for Charles Plumier ( 20 Apr. 1646—20 Nov. 1704), a French botanist, Franciscan monk and a pupil of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort ( 1656- 1708). Plumeria made three botanizing expeditions to the West Indies, which resulted in a massive work Nova Plantarum Americanarum Genera ( 1703—04) and was appointed botanist to king Louis XIV of France.

Thunbergia Retz. 1780 鄧 伯 花 屬 ( 爵床/ 老鼠簕, 莨苕科), for Carl Peter Thunberg, ( 11 Nov. 1743– 8 Aug. 1828), a Swedish naturalist and an apostle of Carl Linnaeus. He has been called "Father of South African botany" and the "Japanese Linnaeus".
The type species ( typus) of Thunbergia: Thunbergia capensis Retz.
