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Eupatorium formosanum 台灣澤蘭 Taiwan Agrimony
Eupatorium clematideum 高士佛澤蘭
Chromolaena odorata syn. Eupatorium odoratum 香澤蘭, 飞机草
Mikania micrantha 小花蔓澤蘭
E u p a t o r i u m L., named for Mithridates VI of Pontus (135–63 BC), also known as Eupator (出身高貴) Dionysius, who is said to have discovered an antidote to a commonly used poison in one of the species. C h r o m o l a e n a DC., the name is derived from the Greek chroma, color, and laina, cloak; refering to the colored phyllaries of some species. M i k a n i a Willd., the name honors the Czech botanist Johann Christian Mikan (1743-1814).
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