星期二, 6月 30, 2015

◎ 六 月 的 去 處 ...

? 心 碎 哪 去
W h e r e  db r o k e n  h e a r t s  g o?

事音樂,並不是很好介紹的類型。 他們熱衷的歷史錄音,帶來太多的雷同,可能變得更像環境音效。 尋新民謠為基調的軍事樂隊者眾,條件不一或唱或誦 ,可聽性並不整齊。 再就音樂實體,他們的發行物,時下更像小眾偏執的收藏品 - 雖然一直以來,這是特色之一。

更不容易的是: 他們欲藉音樂訴諸的理念。 聽到軍事音樂,已難純粹是音樂的活動。 也讓人害怕: 耽溺的聲音,拿出現實的矩尺校準失常,欲回首現實的來時路若失。

軍事音樂大老 Death In June,還在樂壇活動,白雲蒼狗,已悄悄的將自娛娛人的小丑面具戴上,取代緬懷德軍巍巍身影的懷鄉。 軍樂素材突出的 In The Nursery,軍樂鼓活生生,但意念盤旋在形而上,那對雙生兄弟所謂的'心靈'。 斯洛文尼亞老將 Laibach,從出身到舞台畫面,強勢的吸引人們注意 - 這段時間,時局已然脫離了南斯拉夫獨立建國 - 這些背後,我們還有多瞭解音樂的主義?

The goal of every culture is to decay through over- civilization; the factors of decadence, - luxury, skepticism, weariness and superstition, - are constant. The civilization of one epoch becomes the manure of the next. - Cyril Connolly

墮 落 D e c a d e n c e,來自一向不缺神話,當今是風雨飄搖的希臘。 特別的出身,在軍事樂迷的哄抬中一向不缺。 但他們讓我從 2oo9年認識 RomeFlowers From Exile 以後,對於所謂軍事之聲,有新的興奮。 Rome 的音樂主體是男聲唱誦的新民謠,Decadence 的新民謠是女聲,自此多了天堂之聲脫俗情調,朗誦是男聲,鋼琴與弦樂像是新古典的濫觴,而軍樂味道,著重在包裝,與數量不多的相似錄音。

過去我寫音樂,宣稱最討厭用文字定義類型,純粹用'心' - 這篇音樂類型的書寫,我卻可以滿意。

奇怪的歌名 - 軍事樂的作風中並不見怪,精液與糖蜜(!),或 鯨脂與蜂蜜,在這之前還有一段 - 曰: 好男孩上天堂,是 2oo5年的最後作 心碎哪去? 之作品。 而 2oo1年全球限量 4oo 張的 7",取名 羅曼史愛人男孩 。

2 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

When interviewed, Laibach answer in wry manifestos, showing a paradoxical lust for, and condemnation of, authority.

Richard Wolfson (of Towering Inferno) wrote of the group:

“Laibach's method is extremely simple, effective and horribly open to misinterpretation. First of all, they absorb the mannerisms of the enemy, adopting all the seductive trappings and symbols of state power, and then they exaggerate everything to the edge of parody... Next they turn their focus to highly charged issues — the West's fear of immigrants from Eastern Europe, the power games of the EU, the analogies between Western democracy and totalitarianism." (wiki)

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Tomaž Hostnik, who was one of Laibach’s first lead singers, gave his final performance with them on December 11, 1982 in Zagreb. Ten days later, he committed what Laibach describes as a “ritual suicide,” hanging himself from a kozolec— an ancient iconic Slovene hayrack (乾草架), as was depicted on the cover of Laibach’s Rekapitulacija 1980-1984 box set, the group’s first album to obtain release worldwide.

His 1982 poem, “Apologia Laibach:”

Since when, sons of truth, are you the brothers of night?
What colors your hands with the redness of blood?

The explosion in the night is the flower of woe,
nothing can be justified by it.
The altar cannot be destroyed,
the altar of lies, that multiplies shapes.

The spotless picture, the painless lights,
the only harbors of the terrible night.

We are the children of the spirit and the brothers of strength,
whose promises are not fulfilled.
We are the black ghosts of this world,
we sing the mad image of woe.

The explanation is the whip and you bleed:

Break the mirror of the world for the hundredth time, —
all your efforts are in vain. We have overcome the night:
our debt has been paid
and the light is ours.
