星期三, 2月 29, 2012

Leap Day! 羅西尼 Rossini 22ø. Petite Messe Solennelle, excerpt 辭世作: 莊嚴小彌撒 the last of his péchés de vieillesse, I864

Gioachino Antonio Rossini ( 29 febbraio 1792- 13 novembre 1868)

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

In the domain of sacred music, the last of his "sins of old age". This Petite Messe solennelle is indeed "small" in terms of the forces deployed- the instrumental accompaniment is limited to two pianos and a harmonium- but it also well deserves the adjective "solemn" for its ample scale and its formidable dramatic power. In many respects, this work may be seen as its composer'smusical testament.

Dazzled, like all his critical colleagues, Filippo Filippi wrote after the first performance in March 1864: "This time, Rossini has surpassed himself, for no-one can tell what is the more impressive, his learning or his inspiration." http://www.harmoniamundi.com/#/albums?id=450