__ Transfigured Night __ ( Verklarte Nacht ) composed by A. Schonberg after R. Dehmel (18 Nov. 1863- 8 Feb 1920 -injury suffered during the war I)’s poem,I899
† 【 額 我 略 平 詠 】 .格 雷 果 聖 歌 . Chant Grégorien/ Gregorian chant :† Century series, vol.3. harmonia mundi, france. 2005 sung by Deller Consort. dir: Alfred Deller (31 May 1912_ Kent– 16 Jul. 1979_Bologna, Italy), etc.
† Philips Classics. recorded: 1959 sung by Bénédictins de L’Abbaye Saint-Maurice ε Saint-Maur, Clervaux (Luxembourg).
† † 格雷果聖歌 的起源 雖然最早追溯至八世紀晚期 但 格雷果 這名字 來自 教宗格雷果(額我略)一世 Gregory the Great/ Pope St. Gregory I (Latin: Gregorius I (Magnus); c. 540– 12 Mar. 604), pope from 3 Sep. 590 until his death.
. (above:) †我最常聽的 Gregorian chant 專輯 Salve Regina _聖哉女王 不尋常的加入風琴聲 多了臨場感和距離感 憑添幾許思古 . .
(專輯封面拍攝的卻是 Monastery cloister from Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain)
(below:) † Chant Series. EMI Classics. recorded: 1973(after) Vol.1&2 sung by Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos, northwest Spain. __Chant Vol.1(1994) was the best-selling album of Gregorian chant ever, peaking at #3 on the Billboard 200 music chart; and was certified as triple platinum, meaning 3 million copies were sold in the United States. Worldwide, the album sold around 6 million copies.__ † Chant series issued by EMI Classics Spain, "Canto Gregoriano" 2CDs set, 1994
†† (Gregorian) Chant, Decca Classics. 2008 sung by Cistercian Monks of Heiligenkreuz Abbey, Austria.
格雷果聖歌古老雋永的純曲調旋律,在現代的音樂創作上,不同的風貌呈現─ (above:) 1990年,Enigma 首張專輯 MCMXC a.D. 藉助 格雷果聖歌 的素歌襯底,增添舞曲煽情與華麗裡的神秘與傷感。 (below:) 續有 Enigma 成員 Frank Peterson ( 20 Dezember 1963 in Hamburg-) 主事 Masters of Chant系列,1999年第一張代表作,聽得到聖詠風格的流行歌曲,非格雷果聖歌曲目,仍流露出清淨雅趣。
. †__Masters of Chant Vol.I, 1999__
oIBrothers in Arms__(Dire Straits cover) o2 Scarborough Fair __(traditional) o3 Tears in Heaven __(Eric Clapton cover) o4 Still I'm Sad __(The Yardbirds cover) o5 When a Man Loves A Woman __(Percy Sledge cover) o6 Nothing Else Matters __(Metallica cover) 07 Fade to Grey__(Visage cover) o8 Losing My Religion __(R.E.M. cover) o9 Vienna__(Ultravox cover) Io The Sound of Silence __(Simon & Garfunkel cover) I I .Sebastian __(Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel cover) I2 Don't Give Up *__(Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush cover) I3 Save A Prayer ___(Duran Duran cover, 2000 ed. extra") I4 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For __(U2 cover")
尼采 Nietzsche ( 15 Oktober 1844- 25 August 1900 in Weimar -Mental breakdown ε strokes)
" So many clouds I've seen. So many birds I've seen. They never will come back. So many words we've said. So many books we read. It never will come back. How many years we'll live? How many things we'll give? What happens if we go? "
Olaf Parusel- Lyrics, Composition ε Arrangement Mandy Bernhardt- Vocals Video Realisation- Alexandra Froeb, Felicitas Platzek sToa 4th Album "Silmand" ,2008. Alice in Records. Guest musicians included Australian Louisa John-Krol , Dutchman Pieter Nooten & Ralf Jehnert ( Love is Colder than Death).
_ A Drinking Song _ from " The Green Helmet and Other Poems", verse and plays, 1910 textby William ButlerYeats (13 Jun. 1865_County Dublin– 28 Jan. 1939_ Menton, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, France) sungby Pieter Nooten
WINE comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That's all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. I lift the glass to my mouth, I look at you, and I sigh.
出生於波士頓,本身為加拿大法語裔,並帶有印地安人的血統,Heidi 是位少見的,彈唱、創作兼具的歌手。她七歲就開始寫歌了,和她兄弟 Christopher Berry 分享那些,欲共謀綁架 The Carpenters 兄妹的壞主意。Heidi 於英國成長,這裡也是她日後音樂事業的家。在很多的資料裡讀到:Heidi 的經歷並不多為外人透露;她總是如此,保持些許神秘的樣子。和她同一班,幫助她音樂事業的樂手,包括她的兄弟檔 Christopher,都是還在九O年代,這世紀末遊走的新新嬉皮,世界大同、愛情主義天天講。
1987年秋,首見她於 Creation 唱片公司發表迷你專輯「螢火蟲」Firefly,偏重鍵琴編曲。在前Felt 樂團鍵琴手 Martin Duffy 的大力協助下,表現清新。此迷你專輯,與她日後於 1988年推出的首張個人專輯「弄潮」Blow the Waves 合收一張CD。「弄潮」專輯開始圖顯 Heidi Berry 偏吉他民謠的調性。
日後她加盟 4AD唱片公司,在發表個人專輯前,有她參與 4AD 的唯美錄音室組合 This Mortal Coil 的第三張,亦是最後一張的創作 Blood。Heidi 在裡面翻唱 Emmylou Harris (2 Apr. 1947- ) 的 Til I Gain Control Again (from Elite Hotel, 1975 )的美麗調子。在這首歌搭檔的班底:絃樂手 Martin McCarrick,也是 Heidi 接著於1991推出的個人第二張專輯「愛」Love 的合作夥伴,負責絃樂的編排。
1993年的個人第三張「同名專輯」Heidi Berry 問世。初收這張專輯,我們的確會訝異於它如此蠱人的設計─ 捕蠅草*,溫帶的沼澤植物,正誘補了一隻蟲子吞噬消化 . . 此纖細觸覺的誘導機關讓人思忖─ Heidi Berry 音樂的魅力。濃纖合宜的韻味,淡雅有致的編曲,都呈現了 Heidi Berry 於音樂成熟上的雅致。同時挑出的單曲 The Moon and the Sun,是首宜人抒情曲。而這張專輯的 Little Fox 這首歌,擴大襯底的絃樂編制,加入十六件絃樂器樂團,可見 Heidi 於音樂合作上的成熟。專輯中的合作樂手,仍有固定的兄弟檔 Christopher Berry,及 Levitation樂團貝斯手Laureau O’Keep 和吉他手 Terry Bickers,Pentangle 樂團貝斯手 Danny Thompson,以及 Heidi的(前)男友:Weather Prophet 樂團主唱 Peter Aster 助陣。
(Linda Ronstadt (15 Jul. 1946- ),1974; Kate (6 Feb. 1946- ) and Anna McGarrigle(4 Dec. 1944- _ Quebec) 1975 cover )
Heidi Berry solo albums from 1987 with Creation Records to 1996 with 4AD Records.
Heidi Berry assorted discs here including:
Lost Girls, with Patrick Fitzgerald of Kitchens of Distinction, 1998. ."Pomegranate", a 4AD compilation album of Heidi Berry, 2001. Heidi Berry among the various artists of This Mortal Coil's the third and final album "Blood", 1991. In 1998, The Hope Blister's the first and only formal album "... smile's OK" covered a Heidi Berry song "Only Human".
看出身八O年代,影響樂壇至今,哇哇吟哼歌謠,蔑視世故的「耶穌與瑪利之鏈」The Jesus and Mary Chain,'92年第五張代表作稱做「死了甜心」Honey's Dead。同樣影響迷幻樂風,涉足迷矇幻聽與藝術張力的口碑團體「我 X X的情人」My Bloody Valentine,新作正是「無愛」Loveless。這些重新出發迷惘愛的吟喃,絕不抒情,但卻真性情。掏心肺腑地原樣騷動,幾夜下來也是吟哦闌珊。
正是現實裡看過太多,而虛幻總是太遠時,愛情如何一回事?「真善美」The Sound of Music 的小白花*,永遠會是最完美的,絕不可能。看這世界,已無人輕信至真至誠,而叫囂,而勞怨,不可及的神話如同傳世的鬼故事,繼續觀望人國之哭嚎。聽夜晚的歌流淚哭心,至久如重覆的黎明,來自愛情的地方,回去了所有夜晚的音樂,你來自那個地方。
Zanthoxylum sp, ''Flora de Filipinas", 1880-1883 by Francisco Manuel Blanco Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L. , Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada by Britton & Brown.
《詩經·周頌》( ca. 11 Century BC- 6 Century BC) “ 有椒其馨 ” 荀子 ( 戰國, 331- 238 BC)《禮論》“ 椒蘭芬,以善鼻也 ”
1985年 The Smiths 出版有 話題性的 Meat Is Murder 同年見到 The Jesus and Mary Chain 推出 震撼彈 Psychocandy 並是在主流唱片公司的體系發行 . Psychocandy 的震撼來自專輯本身 對於上個年代 迷幻音樂的迴響 創造吉他噪音流行化的新聲 流海加黑衣的妝扮 則帶引後起之秀一派純情樣貌
充分迴響在 九O 年代初期的 Shoegazing吉他噪音, 幾家當時執英倫獨立音樂牛耳的廠牌都未缺席。 1988年 Creation Records 旗下 My Bloody Valentine首作 Isn't Anything 名滿獨立音樂圈, 1990年 4AD Records 旗下 Pale Saints 首作 The Comforts of Madness 有更精美的包裝。 其後 是英倫 Shoegazing 音樂潮流的全盛時期: 包括 Creation Records 續有 Ride, 4AD Records 接續包裝女聲團 Lush; 主流唱片公司體系的 Dedicated Records 加入, 推出首張專輯的正是 Chapterhouse。 來自美國南加州的 Medicine, 先在 Creation Records 後入 Beggars Banquet Records, 擠身這場英倫 Shoegazing 音樂陣容‧‧
而 Slowdive 在 1991 年的首張專輯 Just For A Day 亦不讓同儕專美 . 對我而言 Shoegazing 樂風的 Slowide 我還常聽 過往過分沉溺 My Bloody Valentine 裡 現在倒是許久沒聽 Slowide 曲子並不多 曲風別緻中有愔愔調性 一些單曲更有懾人之處
. ♥ Dear Hawksley: It's been 9 years after Lover/Fighter, it still impressed me like the first day I knew it and heard. Autumn comes every year accompanied your enthusiastic voice and many a night I stop crying for you told me so..... Jérô Hawksley Workman ( 4 Mar. 1975- Ontario)─Lover/Fighter , 2003
We Will Still Need A Song 我們還要多一首歌 Even An Ugly Man 就算醜男人 Wonderful And Sad 完美與悲傷 Anger As Beauty 生氣如同美麗 No Reason To Cry Out Your Eyes ( On The Highway Tonight) 沒理由哭出來 (在今晚的高速公路) Tonight Romanticize The Automobile 今晚浪漫了摩托車 The Future Language Of Slaves 奴隸的未來語 Smoke Baby 寶貝抽菸 Autumn's Here 秋天到了 Addicted 耽溺 Mexico 墨西哥 Love Will Tear Us Apart 愛會拆散我們 ( Joy Divisioncover)
(3 Bonus Tracks, +50 mins) CD with DVD_PAL, Mercury Records, France Edition
Now the winter's drawing close The days are getting older I can tell by your face That your heart is getting colder
__ This Mortal Coil ( Rema-Rema cover, 1984 )
# . #
Autumn Day (Herbsttag)
Herr: es ist Zeit. Der Sommer war sehr groß. Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren, und auf den Fluren laß die Winde los.
Befiel den letzten Früchten voll zu sein; gib ihnen noch zwei südlichere Tage, dränge sie zur Vollendung hin und jage die letzte Süße in den schweren Wein.
Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr. Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben, wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben und wird in den Alleen hin und her unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben.
__ Rainer Maria Rilke .(4 Dezember 1875 Prague- 29 Dezember 1926 Switzerland -leukemia)
* Lord: it is time. The summer was immense. Lay your long shadows on the sundials, and on the meadows let the winds go free.
Command the last fruits to be full; give them just two more southern days, urge them on to completion and chase the last sweetness into the heavy wine.
Who has no house now, will never build one. Who is alone now, will long remain so, will stay awake, read, write long letters and will wander restlessly up and down the tree-lines streets, when the leaves are drifting.
Billy Mackenzie (27 Mar. 1957- 22 Jan. 1997 -drugs overdosed), a Scottish singer now is a significant cult figure, with Alan Rankine as Associates. Their 1982 third and final album "Sulk" vivid cover, photo by Peter Ashworth.
" In Dreams " by Roy Orbison from the fourth album " In Dreams ", 1963
◎ 夢中
去睡吧 一切沒事的
這時我睡去 夢我對你的夢
夢中我和你走在一起 夢中我和你說話
夢中你是我的 所有的時間我們在一起
夢中 夢中
但早晨之前 醒來我發現你走了
我忍不住 我忍不住 如果我哭了
太糟了 這些事只能發生在我夢中
(below) In Dreams, a lost love song by Roy Orbison (23 Apr. 1936- 12 Jun. 1988), peaked on the Billboard charts at #7 and charted in England for 5 months while he toured with The Beatles, was included in David Lynch (20 Jan. 1946- )'s film "Blue Velet" and accompanied the music of Angelo Badalamenti (22 Mar. 1937- ). 1986, Varese Sarabande Records.
Sung in the soundtrack, Julee Cruise(1 Dec. 1956- ) had a debut album "Floating into the Night" in 1989. .
E. T. A. Hoffmann (24 Jan. 1766- 25 Jun. 1822), the author of "Der Sandmann"(1817), is the subject and character of Jacques Offenbach (20 Jun. 1819- 5 Oct. 1880)'s famous but fictional opera Les Contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann) (1880, unfinished, libretto by Jules Barbier (8 Mar. 1825- 16 Jan. 1901)).
1992's 3 CDs set, Francisco Araiza(4 Oct. 1950- Mexico) sung the role of Hoffmann, directed by Jeffrey Tate (28 Apr. 1943- ) with Orchester der Staatsoper Dresden.
❡ September has been rustin' for 25 years. Eyeless In Gaza- Rust Red September the fourth album. Cherry Red Records, 1983
Changing Stations _換站 Pearl And Pale _珍珠與蒼白 New Risen _新昇 (single)September Hills _九月之丘
Taking Steps _逐步
Only Whispers _只有嘆息
Leaves Are Dancing _葉子飛舞
No Perfect Stranger _無完美的陌生人
Corner Of Dusk _灰塵一角
Bright Play Of Eyes _動人雙眸 (single b-side)
Stealing Autumn _竊秋
Singles, Rarities And Deletions*- 15 Bonus Tracks on Cassette only. + Scent On Evening Air _黃昏的氣味 (New Risen EP)Drumming The Beating Heart _鼓擊心韻 (New Risen EP)Veil Like Calm _靜謐面紗 Others _其他 Jane, Dancing Ever Present _重現 Avenue With Trees _樹之巷 Dusky Ruth* Through Eastfields* Invisibility _隱佚 Three Kittens Plague Of Years _瘟疫之年 Kodak Ghosts Run Amok _柯達鬼魅的失神瘋 China Blue Vision _中國藍之見 The Feelings Mutual _互通款曲 ( Recorded between 1980 and 1982)
11 years after the release, "Rust Red September" album CD issued in 1994 with 6 additional tracks. + To Steven Sun-like-gold _陽光如金 To Elizabeth S. Lilt Of Music _樂符 Inky Blue Sky _墨藍天 Tell _傾訴
TabernaemontanaPlum. ex L. 1753l i n k Tabernaemontana divaricata cv. Flore Pleno syn. Tabernaemontana coronaria, Hollarhena densiflora. Crape Jasmine, Adam's Apple, Coffee Rose, Crepe Gardenia.
. Alstroemeria L. 1762 ..Alstroemeriaceae pics link here : Alstroemeria aureasyn. Alstroemeria aurantiaca, and Cultivars.The garden. An illustrated weekly journal by William Robinson (editor). Flora. by Heinrich Witte.Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1868. Chromolithograph by G. Severeyns after Abraham Jacobus Wendel. Alstroemeria chilensis and Cultivars. The garden. An illustrated weekly journal by William Robinson. Revue de l’horticulture belge et étrangère by Frédéric Burvenich Alstroemeria aurea, Alstroemeria ligtu. 19 century. Link here:
Alstroemeria pelegrina L. 1762,the type species of Alstroemeria.Curtis's Botanical Magazine
Alstroemeria/ Lily of the Incas/ Peruvian Lily 百合水仙/ 六出花/ 夢百合草/ インカの百合/ アルストロメリア.
Alstroemeria, for the Swedish baron Clas Alströmer (Claus von Alstroemer, 9 aug. 1736- 5 mar. 1794), a naturalist and a pupil of Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné, 23 maj 1707- 10 januari 1778). .
Alstroemeria was first described by the French botanist Louis Éconches Feuillée (1660- 18 avril 1732). In 1753, this plant's seeds were among many collected by Alströmer on a trip to South America.
As a pupil of Linnaeus, also a close friend, Alströmer brought Linnaeus this exotic, many-colour plants. Alstroemeria was hereby named for him by Linnaeus in 1762.
Langage de la Fleur__ 助 人, 日子幸福, 憧憬未來, 幸運 (紅), 凜然 (白)
Alstroemeria 'Samora'
Alstroemeria 'Rosello', 'Luciana' and 'Atlas'
Alstroemeria 'Mona Lisa', 'Annabel', 'Pink Triumph', 'Rosita', 'Canaria' and 'Manon'.
Copies of van staaveren catalogue,1985. A private collection. Distributing Is Not Recommand.
──The photos of not in the public domain pics are not for commercial use, and the copyrights are respectively belonged to individual owners