星期一, 11月 01, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _ɪ ■ Gesneriads:Gesneria 苦苣苔屬;Kohleria花臉苣苔屬;Columnea鯨魚花屬 ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

苦 の 戀
Gesneria libanensis‧Gesneria lateritia, Gesneria ventricosa

Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. ex DC. I8I6
The type genus of Gesneriaceae: Gesneria L. 1753, named
for Swiss naturalist Konrad von Gesner ( 26 Mar. 1516– 13 Dec. 1565 )
The type species of Gesneria: Gesneria humilis L.

Kohleria hirsuta (type)
Kohleria tubiflora, Kohleria inaequalis var. ocellata,
Kohleria bogotensis, Kohleria spicata, Kohleria warszewiczii, K.
Kohleria tigridia
(Capanea grandiflora) (Ohlend.) Roalson & Boggan 2005

Kohleria Regel 1847, named for Michael Kohler,
a 19th century Swedish Natural History teacher.
The type species of Kohleria: Kohleria hirsuta (Kunth) Regel

花臉苣苔/ 花 貓
Kohleria sp., Columnea crassifolia ( below)
Columnea scandens (type)‧Columnea repens, Columnea schiedeana Columnea sanguinea, Columnea minor‧Columnea crassifolia

L. 1753, named for Fabio Colonna ( 1567-1640 ), 17th century botanical author in Naples.
He was the first to depict plants by copper-plate illustrations.
The type species of Columnea: Columnea scandens L.

illustrations from very top, left to right: Gesneria ❶Curtis,1848 ❷Bot.,1837 ❸Curtis,1894‧Kohleria ❶Paxton,1841 ❷Curtis,1840 ❸Paxton,1839 ❹Van Houtte,1850 ❺Curtis,1848 ❻V.Houtte,1845 ❼Curtis,1850❽Linden,1870 ❾Houtte,1849 ❿H.,1865‧Columnea ❶Curtis,1859 ❷Edwards,1824 ❸Van Houtte,1848❹Paxton,1840s ❺Curtis,1847 ❻Curtis,1864 ❼L'Horti,1844

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Isoloma (Benth.) Decne. 1848, non J.Smith 1841 【 紅霧花屬 】
named by Joseph Decaisne (1807- 1882)

屬名來自希臘文: isos, 平均,loma, 邊飾; 形容花冠邊飾均勻的的外型