星期四, 11月 04, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _ɪv ■ Gesneriads:_Paliavana 綠 鈴 鐺 屬;Vanhouttea;Eucodonia 藍 鐘 苣 苔 屬 ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

藍 鐘 苣 苔. Eucodonia verticillata (type), Eucodonia sp. 紅毛怪
Hanst. 1853
from the Greek eu, beautiful, good, true, and kōdōn,bell; referring to the widely open, (obliquely) campanulate flowers.

The type species of Eucodonia: Eucodonia verticillata ( Martens & Galeotti ) Wiehler
( Eucodonia ehrenbergii )

Paliavana Vell. ex Vand. 1788, from “Palhavaa”, the pleasure residence and botanical garden of prince Antonio de Braganza.
The type species is not designated so far.

Vanhouttea calcarata (type)
Vanhouttea Lem. 1845, named f0r Louis Benoit van Houtte (1810- 1876), an acknowledged Belgian holticulturist and editor of the “Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe”.

The type species of Vanhouttea: Vanhouttea calcarata Lem.

istribution of Eucodonia: Mexico, Eucodonia is closely related to ( and was formerly included in ) Achimenes.

Đistribution of Paliavana and Vanhouttea: Brazil, Paliavana and Vanhouttea are closely related to Sinningia.
