星期一, 11月 29, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪɪ ■ Gesneriads: Conandron;Didymocarpus;Stauranthera;Fieldia;Rhabdothamnus Briggsia;Lysionotus ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Conandron 中國苦苣苔屬
Didymocarpus 長蒴苣苔屬
Corallodiscus 珊瑚苣苔屬
Stauranthera 十字苣苔屬
Briggsia 粗筒苣苔屬
Lysionotus 吊石苣苔屬

Conandron ramondioides (type) 中國苦苣苔/ 中 國 山 鳳 凰 花Conandron Sieb. & Zucc. 1843, from Greek kōnos, cone, and andrōn, part of the antique house in which men acted in seclusion from the women. The anthers form a distinct cone in that the margins are fused and have an elongated apical appendage.
Conandron is notable for the actinomorphic flowers and anthers with apical appendages. Type and only species:
Conandron ramondioides
Sieb. & Zucc.

distribution of Conandron: 600-1300 m, SE China, Taiwan and S Japan.
全草藥用,與 秋海棠, 夏枯草 等合用外敷,專治毒蛇咬傷

Corallodiscus kingianus 卷 丝 苣 苔

Corallodiscus Batalin 1892, from Greek korallion, coral, and diskos, disc; alluding to the (always?) coral-red disc ( nectary).
The type species: Corallodiscus lanuginosus ( Wall. ex A.DC.) B.L.Burtt. 西藏南部 2100- 3200m

Didymocarpus primulaefolia (type), Didymocarpus oblongus, Didymocarpus citrinusDidymocarpus Wall. 1819, from the Greek didymos, twin, and karpos, fruit; in reference to the two valves of the capsular fruit, each of them being (seemingly) bilocular by the recurved placentae.
The type species of Didymocarpus: Didymocarpus primulifolius D.Don

Stauranthera grandiflora (type)

Stauranthera Benth. 1835, from Greek stauros, cross, and anthēra, anther; in allusion to the anthers cohering in a cruciate manner.The type species: Stauranthera grandiflora Benth.
Briggsia kurzii, Briggsia agnesiae

Briggsia Craib 1919, named after Munro Briggs Scott, a young botanist, herbarium assistant at Kew, who fell in a battle in 1917.
The type species of Briggsia: Briggsia longifolia Craib

Lysionotus serratus (type)
Lysionotus D.Don 1822, from the Greek lysis, separation, dissolution, and nōtos, behind, the back; meaning that the locules of the capsule burst at the back.

The type species of Lysionotus: Lysionotus serratus D.Don

Fieldia australis (type)Fieldia Cunn. 1825, named for Barron Field (1786-1846), F.L.S., late Judge of the Supreme court of New South Wales, an enthusiastic amateur naturalist editing an important book on the natural history of New South Wales.
The type and only species of Fieldia: Fieldia australis Cunn.

Rhabdothamnus solandri (type)

Rhabdothamnus Cunn. 1838, from the Greek rhabdos, twig, birch, and thamnos, shrub; in allusion to the strongly twiggy habit of the shrubby plant.

The type and only species of Rhabdothamnus: Rhabdothamnus solandri Cunn.

Đistribution of Fieldia: SE Australia
Đistribution of Rhabdothamnus: New Zealand ( North Island )

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...


多年生草本,地生或岩生,無莖;根莖密生黃褐色曲柔毛。葉基生,狹橢圓或近圓形,長達24 cm,膜至薄紙質,葉肉下延葉柄,漸尖頭。聚繖花序 2-4回分枝。花冠紫或白色,外無毛;雄蕊5。蒴果狹橢圓至狹長橢圓形,長約1 cm。

1. Conandron ramondioides Sieb. & Zucc. 苦苣苔