星期六, 11月 06, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _vɪ ■ Gesneriads:Streptocarpus 海角櫻草屬;Chirita雙心皮草屬; Petrocosmea石蝴蝶屬 Primulina 櫻 草 苣 苔 屬 ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Streptocarpus in Bioart

Streptocarpus 海 角 櫻 草/ 堇 蘭, Streptocarpus saxorum 海 豚 花
Streptocarpus rexii (type), Streptocarpus parviflora, S. saundersii
Streptocarpus polyanthus, Streptocarpus saxorum, Streptocarpus

Lindl. 1828, from Greek streptos, twisted, and karpos,fruit; alluding to the twisted capsules.

The type species of Streptocarpus: Streptocarpus rexii Lindl.

Chirita 雙 心 皮 草/ 唇柱苣苔
Chirita sinensis, Chirita horsfieldii, Chirita walkeri
Chirita zeylanica, Chirita moonii, ( Chirita barbata )

Chirita Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don 1822, name of Indian origin, denoting a gentian or one of the species of Chirita.
The type species of Chirita: Chirita urticifolia D.Don

Chiritopsis W.T.Wang 1986 小 花 苣 苔

Primulina tabacum (type) 櫻 草 苣 苔/ 報 春 苣 苔

Primulina Hance 1883, named for the similarity with Primula, the primrose.

The type and only species of Primulina: Primulina tabacum Hance

Petrocosmea Oliv. 1887, from Greek petros, rock, stone, and kosmos, kosmea, beauty, adornment, decoration, embellishment; " the adornment of the rocks ”.
The type species of Petrocosmea: Petrocosmea sinensis Oliv.

Petrocosmea rosettifolia, Petrocosmea sinensis (type)
pic from wiki comm.

Đistribution of Streptocarpus: tropical and southeastern Africa, Madagascar, Comoro Islands.
Đistribution of Chirita, Petrocosmea and Primulina: including E and S China, Primulina is endemic to China.
