星期六, 11月 27, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _x ■ Gesneriads:Aeschynanthus 口紅花屬;Nematanthus金魚花屬;Seemannia圓彤屬 Pearcea;Moussonia;Mitraria;Sarmient ◆Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Đistribution of Pearcea: Eastern Andean of South America. Pearcea is closely related to Kohleria.
Đistribution of Seemannia: The Andes of South America. Seemannia is closely related to Gloxinia.
Pearcea hypocyrtiflora (type)

Pearcea Regel 1867, named in honor of Richard William Pearce (c.1835- 1868), who collected plants in South America for the horticultural firm Veitch & Sons.
The type species of Pearcea: Pearcea hypocyrtiflora
(Hook.f.) Regel

Nematanthus/ Nematanthus gregarius/ 金 魚 花 , pic from wiki
Nematanthus corticola (type)
, poss. strigilosus, Nematanthus lanceolatus, Nematanthus hirtellus

Nematanthus Schrad. 1821, from Greek nēma, thread, hair, and anthos, flower; referring to the thin pedicels of the often pendulous flowers.

The type species of Nematanthus: Nematanthus corticola Schrad.

Moussonia elongata (type), Moussonia elegans

Moussonia Regel 1847, named in honor of J. R. A. Mousson (1805-1890), physicist and zoologist at Zurich, Switzerland.
The type species of Moussonia: Moussonia elongata Regel syn. Moussonia deppeana (Schltdl. & Cham.) Hanst. syn. Isoloma deppeanum Hemsl.

Seemannia sylvatica (type)

Seemannia Regel 1855, named after Berthold Carl Seemann (1825-1871), a German-born botanist, plant collector and explorer.

The type species: Seemannia ternifolia Regel syn. Seemannia sylvatica (Kunth) Hanst.

Aeschynanthus longiflorus, Aeschynanthus tricolor
Aeschynanthus ramosissimus, Aeschynanthus speciosa
Aeschynanthus mimetes, Aeschynanthus miniata

Aeschynanthus Jack 1823, either from Greek aischyne,shame, aischynō, to be ashamed, and anthos, flower; alluding to the red corolla color, or (less probably) from aischýnein, deform, distort, and anthos, flower; referring to the form of the corolla.
The type species of Aeschynanthus: Aeschynanthus volubilis Jack

Mitraria coccinea (type)

Mitraria Cav. 1801, from Greek mitra, mitre, in reference to the mitre-formed bracteoles covering the calyx.
The type and only species of Mitraria: Mitraria coccinea Cav.

Sarmienta scandens (type)

Sarmienta Ruiz & Pav. 1794, named in honor of Martino Sarmiento, a Spanish Benedictine monk, philologist and naturalist of the 18th century.
The type and only species of Sarmienta: Sarmienta repens Ruiz & Pav., nom. illeg. syn. Sarmienta scandens (J.D. Brandis) Pers.
