星期五, 11月 05, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _v ■ Gesneriads:Achimenes 長 筒 花 屬;Smithiantha 垂筒苣苔屬 ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Hot Water Plant/ Cupid's Bower/ Widow's Tears/ Magic Flowers
Achimenes erecta
Achimenes Pers. 1806, from Greek chemaino, to suffer from cold;or possibly a modification of Achaemenis, a miraculous herb of Democritus (ca. 460 BC– 370 BC ), which had strong effect on culprits so that they confessed their sins under pain; or (more probably) named after Achaimenes (the Persian Haxamaniš), the mythical ancestor of the Persian dynasty of Achaemenids.
The type species of Achimenes: Achimenes erecta (Lam.) H.P.Fuchs
( Achimenes coccinea (Scop.) Pers.)
Achimenes hirsuta, Achimenes rosea, (Achimenes heterophylla)
Achimenes patens, Achimenes candida, Achimenes glabrata
Achimenes longiflora, A. mexicana x A. patens, Achimenes

Smithiantha zebrina (type), Smithiantha multiflora, Smithiantha hybrids
Smithiantha Kuntze 1891, named for Matilda Smith ( 1854-1928 ), an artist and plant painter, making excellent drawings for the Botanical Magazine from 1878 until her death.
Type species of Smithiantha:Smithiantha zebrina
(Paxt.) Kuntze

Smithiantha zebrina ( Naegelia zebrina )
Achimenes mexicana ( Mandirola mexicana )

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