星期二, 11月 30, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪɪɪ ■ Gesneriads: Linnaeopsis 林 內 苣 苔 屬 Cyrtandra;Opithandra;Henckelia . .◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]-戀 苦 拾 遺

Opithandra 後蕊苣苔
Oreocharis 馬鈴苣苔
Ornithoboea 喜鵲苣苔属 Parish ex C.B.Clarke 1883

Epithema 盾座苣苔
Dolicholoma 長檐苣苔
Boea 旋蒴苣苔属 Comm. ex Lam. 1783
Boeica 短筒苣苔屬 C.B.Clarke 1874 (Baeica) / 紫 花 苣 苔
Calcareoboea 朱紅苣苔 C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li 1982 / 長 筒 苣 苔
Hemiboea 半蒴苣苔C.B.Clarke 1798 (1888)
Leptoboea 細蒴苣苔属 Benth. 1876
Paraboea 蛛毛苣苔
(C.B.Clarke) Ridl. 1905

Spreng. 1817, named in honor of count Leo F. V. Henckel von Donnersmark (1785-1861) a German administrator & passionate amateur botanist.
The type species: Henckelia incana (Vahl) Spreng.

Henckelia incana (type), Henckelia malayana, Henckelia humboldtiana

Cyrtandra pendula
Cyrtandra J.R. & G.Forst. 1776, from the Greek kyrtos, curved, and andros, male; alluding to the curved filaments of the stamens.
The type species: Cyrtandra biflora J.R. & G. Forst.
A 1819 water colour painting by a Chinese painter named Ah Kow, literally meaning dog. Many painters comissioned by the British to make plant illustrations remained anonymous and they rarely signed their names in the work.

Oreocharis forrestii

Oreocharis Benth. 1876 non Oreocharis Lindl. 1847, from Greek oros, oreo-, mountain, charis, -loving, enjoing; meaning that the plant likes to grow on mountains.
The type species: Oreocharis benthamii C.B.Clarke 石 上 蓮
type specimens from: 模式標本取自 中國 廣東鼎湖山

Opithandra primuloides (type)

Opithandra B.L.Burtt 1956, from the Greek opithē, behind, rear, and anēr, andros, male; in allusion to the fact that the posterior stamens are the fertile ones.
The type species: Opithandra primuloides (Miq.) B.L.Burtt
type specimens from: 模式標本取自 日本

Ornithoboea lacei

Ornithoboea Parish ex C.B.Clarke 1883, from Greek ornis, ornithos, bird, and Boea. It is obscure what the ‘bird ’ alludes to ( perhaps the rather short and conical fruits resembling a bird’s beak ).
The type species of Ornithoboea: Ornithoboea parishii C.B.Clarke

Linnaeopsis heckmanniana (type)

Linnaeopsis Engl. 1900, composed of the generic name Linnaea, a genus of Caprifoliaceae, and Greek suffix, -opsis, looking like; referring to the similarity with Linnaea flowers.
Type of Linnaeopsis: Linnaeopsis heckmanniana Engl.

distribution of Linnaeopsis: East Africa.

Dolicholoma jasminiflorum (type)

Dolicholoma D.Fang & W.T.Wang 1983, from Greek dolichos, long, loma, limb; alluding to the limb with long corolla lobes.
The type and only species: Dolicholoma jasminiflorum

Anna submontana (type) syn. A. ophiorhizoides
Anna Pellegr. 1930, name is of Hebrew origin, meaning graceful, gracious, charming, and was the name of the mother of Virgin Mary. It's a common German female first name (Engl. Ann, French Anne).It's unknow- -n whether Pellegrin wanted to refer to charming appearance of the plant or flowers or whether he wanted to commemorate a woman named Anna.
The type species of Anna: Anna submontana Pellegr.

Ancylostemon concavus

Craib 1919, from Greek ankylē, bend, crook, and stēmōn, thread, filament; alluding to the bend at top of the filaments.

Type species: Ancylostemon concavus Craib

Epithema ceylanica

Epithema Blume 1826, from Greek epithema, lid, crown, wreath; referring to the fruit, pyxidium opening by a lid.

The type species of Epithema: Epithema saxatila Blume

Epithema taiwanensis S. S. Ying 1992 台 灣 苣 苔
Epithema taiwanensis var. fasciculata (Clarke) Z. Y. Li & M. T. Kao 1998 密 花 苣 苔 syn. Epithema brunonis Decne. var. fasciculata Clarke 1883

Agalmyla staminea, Agalmyla parasitica (type)

Agalmyla Blume 1826, from the Greek agalma, ornament; and hule, hyle, wood, forest; “ornament of the forest” because of the brilliant red flowers.
Type species of Agalmyla: Agalmyla parasitica (Lam.) Kuntze

Bellonia aspera (type)

Bellonia Plum. ex L. 1753, named after Pierre Belon (also spelled Bellon) (1499-1564), a French naturalist and traveller.
The type species of Bellonia: Bellonia aspera L.

Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana (type) syn. Gloxinia sarmentiana Gard. ex Hook.

Roalson & Boggan 2005, from Greek sphaer-, of round, globose form (from sphaira, ball, sphere), and rhiza, root, rhizome; in reference to the rhizome with tuber-like swellings.

The type species of Sphaerorrhiza: Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana (Gardn. ex Hook.) Roalson & Boggan

pic of Sphaerorrhiza from
The Genera of Gesneriaceae

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Boea Comm. ex Lam. 1783, named after M. le Beau, brother-in-law of Philibert Commerson, who was the first to collect a Boea species.
Type species: Boea magellanica Lam.