星期二, 11月 30, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪɪɪ ■ Gesneriads: Linnaeopsis 林 內 苣 苔 屬 Cyrtandra;Opithandra;Henckelia . .◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]-戀 苦 拾 遺

Opithandra 後蕊苣苔
Oreocharis 馬鈴苣苔
Ornithoboea 喜鵲苣苔属 Parish ex C.B.Clarke 1883

Epithema 盾座苣苔
Dolicholoma 長檐苣苔
Boea 旋蒴苣苔属 Comm. ex Lam. 1783
Boeica 短筒苣苔屬 C.B.Clarke 1874 (Baeica) / 紫 花 苣 苔
Calcareoboea 朱紅苣苔 C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li 1982 / 長 筒 苣 苔
Hemiboea 半蒴苣苔C.B.Clarke 1798 (1888)
Leptoboea 細蒴苣苔属 Benth. 1876
Paraboea 蛛毛苣苔
(C.B.Clarke) Ridl. 1905

Spreng. 1817, named in honor of count Leo F. V. Henckel von Donnersmark (1785-1861) a German administrator & passionate amateur botanist.
The type species: Henckelia incana (Vahl) Spreng.

Henckelia incana (type), Henckelia malayana, Henckelia humboldtiana

Cyrtandra pendula
Cyrtandra J.R. & G.Forst. 1776, from the Greek kyrtos, curved, and andros, male; alluding to the curved filaments of the stamens.
The type species: Cyrtandra biflora J.R. & G. Forst.
A 1819 water colour painting by a Chinese painter named Ah Kow, literally meaning dog. Many painters comissioned by the British to make plant illustrations remained anonymous and they rarely signed their names in the work.

Oreocharis forrestii

Oreocharis Benth. 1876 non Oreocharis Lindl. 1847, from Greek oros, oreo-, mountain, charis, -loving, enjoing; meaning that the plant likes to grow on mountains.
The type species: Oreocharis benthamii C.B.Clarke 石 上 蓮
type specimens from: 模式標本取自 中國 廣東鼎湖山

Opithandra primuloides (type)

Opithandra B.L.Burtt 1956, from the Greek opithē, behind, rear, and anēr, andros, male; in allusion to the fact that the posterior stamens are the fertile ones.
The type species: Opithandra primuloides (Miq.) B.L.Burtt
type specimens from: 模式標本取自 日本

Ornithoboea lacei

Ornithoboea Parish ex C.B.Clarke 1883, from Greek ornis, ornithos, bird, and Boea. It is obscure what the ‘bird ’ alludes to ( perhaps the rather short and conical fruits resembling a bird’s beak ).
The type species of Ornithoboea: Ornithoboea parishii C.B.Clarke

Linnaeopsis heckmanniana (type)

Linnaeopsis Engl. 1900, composed of the generic name Linnaea, a genus of Caprifoliaceae, and Greek suffix, -opsis, looking like; referring to the similarity with Linnaea flowers.
Type of Linnaeopsis: Linnaeopsis heckmanniana Engl.

distribution of Linnaeopsis: East Africa.

Dolicholoma jasminiflorum (type)

Dolicholoma D.Fang & W.T.Wang 1983, from Greek dolichos, long, loma, limb; alluding to the limb with long corolla lobes.
The type and only species: Dolicholoma jasminiflorum

Anna submontana (type) syn. A. ophiorhizoides
Anna Pellegr. 1930, name is of Hebrew origin, meaning graceful, gracious, charming, and was the name of the mother of Virgin Mary. It's a common German female first name (Engl. Ann, French Anne).It's unknow- -n whether Pellegrin wanted to refer to charming appearance of the plant or flowers or whether he wanted to commemorate a woman named Anna.
The type species of Anna: Anna submontana Pellegr.

Ancylostemon concavus

Craib 1919, from Greek ankylē, bend, crook, and stēmōn, thread, filament; alluding to the bend at top of the filaments.

Type species: Ancylostemon concavus Craib

Epithema ceylanica

Epithema Blume 1826, from Greek epithema, lid, crown, wreath; referring to the fruit, pyxidium opening by a lid.

The type species of Epithema: Epithema saxatila Blume

Epithema taiwanensis S. S. Ying 1992 台 灣 苣 苔
Epithema taiwanensis var. fasciculata (Clarke) Z. Y. Li & M. T. Kao 1998 密 花 苣 苔 syn. Epithema brunonis Decne. var. fasciculata Clarke 1883

Agalmyla staminea, Agalmyla parasitica (type)

Agalmyla Blume 1826, from the Greek agalma, ornament; and hule, hyle, wood, forest; “ornament of the forest” because of the brilliant red flowers.
Type species of Agalmyla: Agalmyla parasitica (Lam.) Kuntze

Bellonia aspera (type)

Bellonia Plum. ex L. 1753, named after Pierre Belon (also spelled Bellon) (1499-1564), a French naturalist and traveller.
The type species of Bellonia: Bellonia aspera L.

Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana (type) syn. Gloxinia sarmentiana Gard. ex Hook.

Roalson & Boggan 2005, from Greek sphaer-, of round, globose form (from sphaira, ball, sphere), and rhiza, root, rhizome; in reference to the rhizome with tuber-like swellings.

The type species of Sphaerorrhiza: Sphaerorrhiza sarmentiana (Gardn. ex Hook.) Roalson & Boggan

pic of Sphaerorrhiza from
The Genera of Gesneriaceae

星期一, 11月 29, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪɪ ■ Gesneriads: Conandron;Didymocarpus;Stauranthera;Fieldia;Rhabdothamnus Briggsia;Lysionotus ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Conandron 中國苦苣苔屬
Didymocarpus 長蒴苣苔屬
Corallodiscus 珊瑚苣苔屬
Stauranthera 十字苣苔屬
Briggsia 粗筒苣苔屬
Lysionotus 吊石苣苔屬

Conandron ramondioides (type) 中國苦苣苔/ 中 國 山 鳳 凰 花Conandron Sieb. & Zucc. 1843, from Greek kōnos, cone, and andrōn, part of the antique house in which men acted in seclusion from the women. The anthers form a distinct cone in that the margins are fused and have an elongated apical appendage.
Conandron is notable for the actinomorphic flowers and anthers with apical appendages. Type and only species:
Conandron ramondioides
Sieb. & Zucc.

distribution of Conandron: 600-1300 m, SE China, Taiwan and S Japan.
全草藥用,與 秋海棠, 夏枯草 等合用外敷,專治毒蛇咬傷

Corallodiscus kingianus 卷 丝 苣 苔

Corallodiscus Batalin 1892, from Greek korallion, coral, and diskos, disc; alluding to the (always?) coral-red disc ( nectary).
The type species: Corallodiscus lanuginosus ( Wall. ex A.DC.) B.L.Burtt. 西藏南部 2100- 3200m

Didymocarpus primulaefolia (type), Didymocarpus oblongus, Didymocarpus citrinusDidymocarpus Wall. 1819, from the Greek didymos, twin, and karpos, fruit; in reference to the two valves of the capsular fruit, each of them being (seemingly) bilocular by the recurved placentae.
The type species of Didymocarpus: Didymocarpus primulifolius D.Don

Stauranthera grandiflora (type)

Stauranthera Benth. 1835, from Greek stauros, cross, and anthēra, anther; in allusion to the anthers cohering in a cruciate manner.The type species: Stauranthera grandiflora Benth.
Briggsia kurzii, Briggsia agnesiae

Briggsia Craib 1919, named after Munro Briggs Scott, a young botanist, herbarium assistant at Kew, who fell in a battle in 1917.
The type species of Briggsia: Briggsia longifolia Craib

Lysionotus serratus (type)
Lysionotus D.Don 1822, from the Greek lysis, separation, dissolution, and nōtos, behind, the back; meaning that the locules of the capsule burst at the back.

The type species of Lysionotus: Lysionotus serratus D.Don

Fieldia australis (type)Fieldia Cunn. 1825, named for Barron Field (1786-1846), F.L.S., late Judge of the Supreme court of New South Wales, an enthusiastic amateur naturalist editing an important book on the natural history of New South Wales.
The type and only species of Fieldia: Fieldia australis Cunn.

Rhabdothamnus solandri (type)

Rhabdothamnus Cunn. 1838, from the Greek rhabdos, twig, birch, and thamnos, shrub; in allusion to the strongly twiggy habit of the shrubby plant.

The type and only species of Rhabdothamnus: Rhabdothamnus solandri Cunn.

Đistribution of Fieldia: SE Australia
Đistribution of Rhabdothamnus: New Zealand ( North Island )

星期日, 11月 28, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _xɪ ■ Gesneriads:Codonanthe 玉唇花屬;Asteranthera; Phinaea; Niphaea; Besleria;Corytoplectus;Negria ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ _ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

. ʃome Codonanthe species form a constituent element of the flora of ant's nests. The plants are associated with the ants in various ways. They often have extrafloral nectaries on the leaf undersides, between the calyx lobes, or at the nodes. The colored seeds exhibit a gelatinous surface or the funicles may play a role in ant dispersal.
Codonanthe carnosa

Codonanthe (Mart.) Hanst. 1854, derived from Greek kōdōn, bell, and anthē, flower, referring to the (sub)campanulate corolla form.

The type species of Codonanthe: Codonanthe gracilis (Mart.) Hanst.

Phinaea albolineata (type)

Phinaea Benth. 1876, the name is an anagram of Niphaea.

The type species of Phinaea: Phinaea albolineata (Hook.f.) Benth. ex Hemsl.

Niphaea oblonga (type)

Niphaea Lindl. 1841, from Greek niphos, snow; in allusion to the plain white flowers.

The type species of Niphaea: Niphaea oblonga Lindl.

Asteranthera ovata (type)
Asteranthera Klotzsch & Hanst. ex Hanst. 1854, from Greek astēr, star, and anthēra, anther; alluding to the apically coherent anthers forming a star-like figure.
The type and only species of Asteranthera: Asteranthera ovata Hanst.

Besleria leucostoma

Besleria Plum. ex L. 1753, named after Basilius Besler (1561-1629), a German botanist, pharmacist, horticulturist and publisher, well known for his book „Hortus Eystettensis“, which is one of the greatest jewels of botanical literature.
The type species of Besleria: Besleria lutea L.

Corytoplectus congestus, Corytoplectus capitatus (type)
Corytoplectus Oerst. 1858, derived from kōrys, helmet, or (less probably) kōrytos (Latin corytus), leather pouch, quiver, and plectos, pleated, folded; meaning that the calyx lobes look like helmets or pouches.
The type species: Corytoplectus capitatus (Hook.f.) Wiehler

Negria rhabdothamnoides (type)

Negria F.Muell. 1871, named in honor of Cristoforo Negri (1808-1896), a renowned Italian geographer, diplomat, and writer.

The type and only species of Negria: Negria rhabdothamnoides F.Muell.

星期六, 11月 27, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _x ■ Gesneriads:Aeschynanthus 口紅花屬;Nematanthus金魚花屬;Seemannia圓彤屬 Pearcea;Moussonia;Mitraria;Sarmient ◆Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Đistribution of Pearcea: Eastern Andean of South America. Pearcea is closely related to Kohleria.
Đistribution of Seemannia: The Andes of South America. Seemannia is closely related to Gloxinia.
Pearcea hypocyrtiflora (type)

Pearcea Regel 1867, named in honor of Richard William Pearce (c.1835- 1868), who collected plants in South America for the horticultural firm Veitch & Sons.
The type species of Pearcea: Pearcea hypocyrtiflora
(Hook.f.) Regel

Nematanthus/ Nematanthus gregarius/ 金 魚 花 , pic from wiki
Nematanthus corticola (type)
, poss. strigilosus, Nematanthus lanceolatus, Nematanthus hirtellus

Nematanthus Schrad. 1821, from Greek nēma, thread, hair, and anthos, flower; referring to the thin pedicels of the often pendulous flowers.

The type species of Nematanthus: Nematanthus corticola Schrad.

Moussonia elongata (type), Moussonia elegans

Moussonia Regel 1847, named in honor of J. R. A. Mousson (1805-1890), physicist and zoologist at Zurich, Switzerland.
The type species of Moussonia: Moussonia elongata Regel syn. Moussonia deppeana (Schltdl. & Cham.) Hanst. syn. Isoloma deppeanum Hemsl.

Seemannia sylvatica (type)

Seemannia Regel 1855, named after Berthold Carl Seemann (1825-1871), a German-born botanist, plant collector and explorer.

The type species: Seemannia ternifolia Regel syn. Seemannia sylvatica (Kunth) Hanst.

Aeschynanthus longiflorus, Aeschynanthus tricolor
Aeschynanthus ramosissimus, Aeschynanthus speciosa
Aeschynanthus mimetes, Aeschynanthus miniata

Aeschynanthus Jack 1823, either from Greek aischyne,shame, aischynō, to be ashamed, and anthos, flower; alluding to the red corolla color, or (less probably) from aischýnein, deform, distort, and anthos, flower; referring to the form of the corolla.
The type species of Aeschynanthus: Aeschynanthus volubilis Jack

Mitraria coccinea (type)

Mitraria Cav. 1801, from Greek mitra, mitre, in reference to the mitre-formed bracteoles covering the calyx.
The type and only species of Mitraria: Mitraria coccinea Cav.

Sarmienta scandens (type)

Sarmienta Ruiz & Pav. 1794, named in honor of Martino Sarmiento, a Spanish Benedictine monk, philologist and naturalist of the 18th century.
The type and only species of Sarmienta: Sarmienta repens Ruiz & Pav., nom. illeg. syn. Sarmienta scandens (J.D. Brandis) Pers.

星期五, 11月 26, 2010

◆ 苦 戀 - 戀 戀 苦 苣 苔 _ɪx ■ Gesneriads:Alsobia 額索花屬;Episcia 喜 蔭 花 屬;Chrysothemis 金紅花屬;Nautilocalyx;Drymonia;Paradrymonia ◆ Loʋe Indoorʂ [ Вɪtter ɪn Loʋe ]

Alsobia punctata (type)

Alsobia Hanst. 1854, from Greek alsos, bosk, groove, forest, and bios, life, biein, live; alluding to the ( epiphytic ) life in the forest.

The type species of Alsobia: Alsobia punctata (Lindl.) Hanst.

Episcia lilacina, Episcia cupreata

Episcia Mart. 1829, from Greek epi, on, upon, and skia, shadow; in reference to the shady habitat of the plants.
The type species of Episcia: Episcia reptans Mart.

Chrysothemis pulchella (type)

Decne. 1849, either derived from Greek chrysous, golden, gold-colored, and themis, law, rule, or anthē, anthēmon, flower; alluding to the bright yellow or orange flower color, or ( probably ) named after Chrysothemis of Greek mythology.
The type species of Chrysothemis: Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims.) Decne.

Nautilocalyx bicolor, Nautilocalyx bullatus, Nautilocalyx pictus, Nautilocalyx villosus,

Nautilocalyx bracteatus

Nautilocalyx aeneus

Linden ex Hanst. 1854, composed of Latin Nautilus, a sailor or a marine mollusc with peculiar shell, and Latin calyx, calyx.
It is not clear what the name alludes to.
The type species of Nautilocalyx: Nautilocalyx bracteatus (Planch.) Sprague syn.
Nautilocalyx hastatus Linden ex Hanst. (nom. illeg.)

Drymonia turrialvae, Drymonia cristata

Drymonia Mart. 1829, from Greek drymos, oak, wood; in allusion to the plant growing on trees in woods.
The type species of Drymonia: Drymonia calcarata Mart. syn. Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart.

Paradrymonia ciliosa (type), Paradrymonia maculata

Paradrymonia Hanst. 1854, from Greek para, beside, alongside, close by, near, and the generic name Drymonia.
The type species of Paradrymonia: Paradrymonia glabra (Benth.) Hanst. syn. Paradrymonia ciliosa (Mart.) Wiehler
