星期六, 1月 07, 2012

過 盡 千 帆 皆 不 是 . . thousands of saíls passíng by but none oƒ my affectíons . . 好 年 冬 Bon Iver 20II - À Hommage

過 盡 千 帆 皆 不 是,斜暉脈脈水悠悠。唐. 溫 庭 筠《 夢江南 》

2 0 1 0 cooperate with Kanye West & Peter Gabriel

Thank you: GenialHiver, boniver & BillPromos in YouTube.

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Bon Iver turned down offer to perform at the Grammys

"The suggested collaborators were people that I would love to play a song with. But you know what? F**kin' rock 'n' roll should not be decided by people that have that job. Rock 'n' roll should be the f**king people with guitars around their backs. And their friends. And their managers."