星期一, 8月 31, 2009

Kissing the Brunfelsia, Good-bye。輕語: 「昨天.. 今天.. 明天..」吻別 _ Embrasser Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow‧Manacá de Cheiro‧Brunfelsia L. 1753

Brunfelsia Plum. ex. L. 1753

P.S.: Plum. for Charles Plumier (20 Apr. 1646- 20 Nov. 1704), French botanist, Franciscan monk and a pupil of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (5 Jun. 1656- 28 Dec. 1708 _botaniste français ), who named the genus Plumeria Tourn. ex L. ( Frangipani ).

Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D. Don 1829 syn.
Brunfelsia hopeana syn. Brunfelsia mutabilis

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow/ Morning, Noon and Night/ Kiss-me-quick/
Manaca Rain Tree/ Manacá-de-cheiro/ Romeu e Julieta/
五彩茉莉/ 變色茉莉/ (番)蕃茉莉/ バンマツリ/
昨天今天明天 _ ( 台灣於1910年自新加坡引進 )

Brunfelsia, named for early German herbalist Otto Brunfels ( 1488- 23 Dec. 1534 「德國植物學之父」), whom Carl von Linné ( 1707- 1778) listed among the "Fathers of Botany".

Brunfelsia uniflora
aka "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" flowers from early spring to late autumn in subtropics, especially in the springtime. The flower opens in the morning and keeps fragrant all day, including days and nights, smelling exactly like Jasmine ( Jasminum officinale, not Jasminum sambac ). As vivid violet color fades to pure white over a period of three days, a single flower can exist for almost a week long and releases fragrance continuously somehow. On the last day, the smell of the flower disappeared; and it falling to the ground the next morning if was't fertilized.

Brunfelsia pauciflora syn. Brunfelsia calycina syn. Franciscea eximia
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'Macrantha' (probably) syn.
Brunfelsia grandiflora.
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 77, 1851. Volume 80, 1854 by William Jackson Hooker (1785- 1865)
Brunfelsia latifolia syn. Franciscea latifolia
Brunfelsia hydrangeiformis syn. Franciscea hydrangeiformis
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 68, 1842

Brunfelsia brasiliensis syn. Franciscea confertifolia
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 71, 1845. Johannes Emanuel Pohl: Plantarum Brasiliae icones. Vindobonae, 1826-1833

Brunfelsia uniflora syn. Franciscea uniflora
Brunfelsia jamaicensis

Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl: ''Plantarum Brasiliae''Vol.1, 1827. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 73, 1847

Brunfelsia americana L. 1753/ Lady of the Night/
The type species of Brunfelsia.

The common name comes from the fact that it's most fragrant at night. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 11, 1797

Brunfelsia nitida, Endemic to Cuba. (below)

Another Brunfelsia bud accompanied a leaf of Corymbia citriodora, masquerading in a skull mask,
kissing "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow";
another day
, Goodbye.

©2009 Jérôme Ginhong C.K. 'Jero' Smith Ju, 朱 進 宏
(except where mentioned)

星期三, 8月 26, 2009

♥ 愛 情 花 鳥 __ Je t'aime. Agapornis Selby. 1836 VS Agapanthus L'Hér. 1789 et "Langage des Fleurs" du Cartoon- "Hana No Ko LunLun"

.............................♥♥ Agapornis

Agapanthus africanus syn. Agapanthus umbellatus syn. Agapanthus orientalis, Les Liliacées de Pierre Joseph Redouté ( 10 Jul. 1759- 20 Jun. 1840 ). 57 x 37 cm, 1805- 1816

Agapanthus africanus, Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Les Liliacées de Pierre Joseph Redouté
Agapornis in Zambia Pound, 1964
Agapornis & Lovebirds Group
Agapornis & Exacum affine/ Persian Violet/ 紫 芳 草
Langage de la Fleur __ 見義勇為
動物界 愛情鳥小鸚 屬名 Agapornis
字源: 希臘文 agapein (to love) + 拉丁文 ornis (bird).

means Bird of Love
植物界 愛情花百子蓮 屬名 Agapanthus
字源: 希臘文 agape (love) + anthos (flower)
means Flower of Love

俗名vs.學名 難 得 完 美 無 缺 !!.

Agapanthus Cultivar
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agapanthus africanus. By Marianne North ( 24 Oct. 1830- 30 Aug. 1890 ), painted in Natal, South Africa. Link here..

Agapanthus L'Hér. 1788

African Lily/ Blue Lily/ Fleur d'Amour
愛 情 花/ 百子蓮/ 非洲百合/ アガパンサス

生 南非 為當地的特有種植物
林內 Linnaeus曾視 AgapanthusCrinum香殊蘭屬 的一員 ( Crinum africanum L. 1753 ). 而他的學生/植物探險家 Carl Peter Thunberg ( 11 Nov. 1743- 8 Aug. 1828 ) 一度 Agapanthus praecoxMauhlia linearis ( Mauhlia Dahl 1787 )
過去在稱呼 Agapanthus, 還有 Hyacinthus風信子屬 和 Tulbaghia紫嬌花屬 都曾適用在他身上. 後者在視 Agapanthus 為 Alliaceae蔥科 的分類上 亦是關係最近的植物. 更早之前 Agapanthus 則被視為 Liliaceae 百合科
由於 Agapanthus 空心型花柱 無異味 視為實心型花柱的 蔥科 有商榷空間; Amaryllidaceae*石蒜科 雖符合空心型花柱 特徵 但子房下位 和子房上位的 Agapanthus 亦不相襯。 近來有如 Wim Snoeijer ( Agapanthus: a revision of the genus, 2004 一書的作者 ) 主張 視 Agapanthus 為 Agapanthaceae*愛情花科 的單獨屬。

{ * 若採 APG II system 廣義觀點: Amaryllidaceae石蒜科 併入 Alliaceae蔥科, 並視 Agapanthus愛情花屬為 蔥科的一屬 }

1. 身為林內的學生/門徒 天蠍座的 Carl Peter Thunberg 遠赴南非採集植物的成就 為自己贏得「南非植物學之父」名號. 遠征日本 身為第一個踏上日本的西方學者 一年多的時間 完成史上第一本敘述日本植物的科學著作《Flora Japonica》此對日本植物分類的啟蒙 被稱為「日本的林奈」。
Thunbergia erecta/ 立鶴花, Thunbergia grandiflora/ 大鄧伯花, Thunbergia alata/ 黑眼蘇珊 的屬名 Thunbergia Retz. 1780 由晚 林內 一輩的 瑞典自然學家 Anders Jahan Retzius ( 3 Oct. 1742- 6 Oct. 1821 )創設 紀念這位同輩。
原生日本 九州南部與琉球群島的 日本鐵砲百合/復活節百合/ Easter Lily/ テッポウユリ. Lilium longiflorum Thunb. 1794 即由 Thunbergia 於 1794 年發表命名
2. Agapanthus: a revision of the genus 一書 2004以修訂本出版 作者 Wim Snoeijer 荷蘭園藝家 書中對於 Agapanthus 原生種( 6種) /栽培種( 近600品種!) 的分類 敘述得相當認真 為此不可能的任務 做出完美註解 他亦是 Clematis鐵線蓮 專家.

3. 當地人拿 Agapanthus 的根 裝飾新娘頸圈 據信這有利生產 並拿此植物療效幫助分娩 此風俗和法國植物學家 Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle (15 Jun. 1746- 18 Aug. 1800) 取 Agapanthus 為屬名 意指 " Flower of Love " 有關. 中文俗名 百子蓮 亦有和此類似 "多產"的聯想

Langage de la Fleur __ 愛情花_ 愛情造訪
Gomphrena globosa/ Globe Amaranth/ 千日紅/ 圓仔花/ センニチコウ
Catharanthus roseus, (basionym)Vinca rosea/ Madagascar Periwinkle/ Summer Vinca/ 日日春/ 長春花/ ニチニチソウ

Langage des Fleurs __
千日紅 _ 不變的愛情直到永遠 .. , 日日春 _ 愉快的回憶
( Hana No Ko LunLun episodes 50 and 39 )
Rosa " Bianca " , 比 浪 卡 玫 瑰
Four buds of Rosa "Bianca" in front of evening lights before nightfall of Chinese Lover's Day ( the 7th day of the 7th month of the Lunar calendar ) 2009..

Langage de la Fleur __ 白玫瑰 _ 不被注意的美
( Hana No Ko LunLun episode 4 )

Gloomy Lover's Day, 26 Aug. 2009, Google.
©2009 Jero, Jérôme Smith 朱, 朱 進 宏 (except where mentioned)

©2012, 9 d e c. sunday ; Thu. 30 apr 2015

(自栩) 盧森堡一國之君 __ The King of Luxembourg _aka_ Simon Fisher Turner. él Records of 80's

The King of Luxembourg aka
Simon Fisher Turner (21 Nov. 1954- )
1988's 2nd solo album " Sir ", 1989's CD edition included 1987's 1st album " Royal Bastard ", él / Cherry Red Records.

él Records compilation albums, including " London Pavilion " series (1986, 87) with Cherry Red Records.

The King of Luxembourg assorted discs compiled by Smith. 朱

星期五, 8月 21, 2009

21 世 紀 , 佛 羅 倫 斯 機 械 的 心 _ Florence and the Machine, debut album "Lungs" 2009

市 佛羅倫斯 Firenze 在這兒 和
Florence and the Machine 樂團的主角
Florence Welch 並無關連

2009年 全英音樂獎 BRIT Awards
獲得Critic's Choice 樂評人青睞後
Florence And The Machine
現今已獲水星音樂獎 Mercury Prize 提名
結果將在9月公佈 (08/09/2009 未得獎)

七月甫出的首張專輯 "Lungs"
嗓音沉厚 蘊含大量高張的情緒
由吶喊 冰冷對照激昂 易怒亦沉悶的不安
攸攸我想起 上個世紀80年代 唱德文起家
嗓音雄厚機械化 高呼冷酷樂風 經典的 Xmal Deutschland
Florence And The Machine
唱起歌來 可能更像鄉村民謠風

Florence Welch 讀的是藝術
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1490
Andrea Mantegna (c. 1431– 13 Sep. 1506)
Saint Peter Healing Agatha, c. 1614
Giovanni Lanfranco (26 Jan. 1582- 30 Nov. 1647), the Caravaggio- follower.
Florence Welch ..

.. Xmal Deutschland
艷治的主唱 Anja Huwe 如今活躍為畫家

Words: ©2009 Jero Smith.朱 , 朱覲紅

星期四, 8月 20, 2009

♫ 羅 馬 假 期 _ Étienne Daho : Week-end à Rome du deuxième album "La Notte, La Notte", 1984


Étienne Daho ( 14 Jan. 1956- ) 唱歌
Lloyd Cole ( 31 Jan. 1961- ) 也有此等能耐
後者多像世故的知識份子唱英文 人可以逐句跟著哼
Daho 唱法文 有摩登感 也有距離感 只緣身在此聲中 . .

Week-end à Rome
Week-end à Rome, tous les deux sans personne
Florence, Milan, s'il y a le temps
Week-end rital, en bagnole de fortune
Variette mélo à la radio
Week-end rital, Paris est sous la pluie Bonheur, soupirs, chanson pour rire Chanson ritale, humm, chanson ritale pour une escale
Week-end à Rome
Afin de coincer la bulle dans ta bulle
D'poser mon coeur bancal dans ton bocal, ton aquarium
Une escapade à deux, la pluie m'assomme
L'gris m'empoisonne, week-end à Rome
Pour la douceur de vivre, et pour le fun
Puisqu'on est jeunes, week-end rital
Retrouver le sourire, j'préfère te dire
J'ai failli perdre mon sang froid
Humm, j'ai failli perdre mon sang froid
Oh j'voudrais, j'voudrais
J'voudrais coincer la bulle dans ta bulle
Poser mon coeur bancal dans ton bocal, ton aquarium
Humm, chanson ritale pour une escale
Oh, j'voudrais tant
J'voudrais tant coincer la bulle dans ta bulle
Et traîner avec toi qui ne ressemble à personne.

Singles (1998) , below: Réserection EP (1995) with St. Etienne.
Artworks by Pierre et Gilles.

星期五, 8月 14, 2009

☭ Ҥoмeleʂʂ tҥe ₵oммuиiʂtʂ . 共產流離 , 失家變聲 ___ ( 雙子星座的) 雙重國籍者, 左派作曲家 Hanns Eisler. 1898 - 1962

。 - 卡謬 ( Camus, 7 Nov. 1913- 4 Jan. 1960 )

勞工之聲 , 冷戰傷兵 , 二十世紀的舒伯特
( 東德國歌 , 列寧安魂曲 , 德意志安魂曲 ) 左派作曲家

anns Eisler
, 6 Jun. 1898- 6 Sep. 1962

Lenin Requiem, 1937
列 寧 安 魂 曲 ( 為列寧 22 Apr. 1870- 21 Jan. 1924 過世十周年而做 )
As Lenin was dying
(as they tell the story)
a soldier of the death watch
said to his comrades:
I didn't want to believe it!
I didn't want to believe it!
I went in there,
where he is lying,
and said to him:

"Ilyich, Ilyich!
The exploiters are coming!"
He didn't move.

Baritone Solo :
Now I know that he is dead.

Aria (Alto with Choir) :
When a good man wants to go away,
how can you hold him back?
Tell him
what he's needed for:
that will hold him,
that will hold him!
When a good man wants to go on,
how can you hold him back?
Tell him what he's needed for:
that will hold him,
that will hold him!
What could hold Lenin?

Baritone Solo :
The soldier thought:
When he hears
the exploiters are coming,
he might be sick,
and he will get up from his bed anyway.
Perhaps he will come on crutches.
Perhaps he will let himself be carried,
but he will get up and fight
against the exploiters,
against the exploiters.
The soldier knew
that Lenin, his whole life long,
had fought against the exploiters.

Recitative (Alto) :
And when the soldier was helping
storm the winter palace,
he wanted to go back home,
because on the fields
the winter crops were ready for planting.
Then Lenin said to him:
I know, but stay!
There are still exploiters,
and so long as exploitation still exists,
the fight against it must go on.
As long as it exists,
the fight against it must go on,
must go on.

Chorus :
Those who are weak don't fight.
Those who are stronger might fight
for an hour.
Those who are stronger still might fight
for many years.
The strongest fight
their whole life.
They are the indispensable ones.

In Praise of the Fighters (Ballad, baritone and choir) :
There are many who just get in the way:
it's better when they move on.
But when he's gone, he is missed.
He organizes his fight
around better wages,
for water to make tea,
for power in the state.
He asks of property:
Where do you come from?
He asks of opinions:
Whom do you benefit?
Where everyone else is silent
there will he speak,
and where oppression rules
and others blame it on fate,
he will name names.
Where he sits at table,
dissatisfaction sits there too,
the food will be bad
and the room will seem confining.
Wherever they chase him,
revolt will go with him,
and wherever they've chased him out,
unrest will remain behind anyway.

Alto Solo and Chorus :
Towards the time when Lenin died
and was missed,
the victory had been won by fighting,
but the country lay in ruins.
The masses had broken their chains
but the way forward was still in darkness.
When Lenin died,
the soldiers sat on the curbstones and wept,
and the workers ran from their machines
and shook their fists to the skies.
When Lenin died,
it was as if the tree and the leaves said,
I am leaving now.

Alto Solo, Baritone Solo and Chorus :
Since that time thirteen years have passed.
A sixth of the world is free from exploitation.
When they hear the warning—
the exploiters are coming!—
the masses rise up again
ready to fight.
Lenin is enshrined
in the great heart
of the working class.
He was our teacher.
He fought with us.
And is now enshrined

in the great heart
of the working class.

Origin text by Brecht ( 10 Feb. 1898- 14 Aug. 1956 )

Gerhart Eisler (20 Feb. 1897- 21 Mar. 1968), a German politician, brother of Hanns Eisler, was also a Communist.

( below) Eisler's grave in Berlin, near Brecht in the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery. Link here.

軍 旅 見 薔 薇 之 殤 , To Drown A Rose _ 天 堂 路 遙 六 月 死 。 Death In June _ Live in Japan 1989, plus.

Death in June, Live in Japan (One-sided limited edition vinly LP)
Supernatural Organization Records, 1989

Heilige Leben 聖人之生
Bring In The Night 帶來夜
Behind The Rose (Fields Of Rape) 玫瑰身後(血洗的大地)
Death Of A Man 某人的死
Blood Of Winter 冬天的血
Heaven Street 天堂路
In Sacrilege
C'est Un Rêve 這是個夢
Heilige Leben

Death in June, Brown Book, 褐皮書
New European Recordings, 1987

Heilige Tod 聖人已死
Touch Defiles 玷污
Hail! The White Grain 豐收
Runes And Men 廢墟與人
To Drown A Rose 沉溺薔薇
Red Dog - Black Dog
The Fog Of The World 這世界的霧
We Are The Lust 人是欲望
Punishment Initiation 懲罰的入會式
Brown Book 褐皮書
Burn Again 再燃燒

Death In June, 93 Dead Sunwheels (Compliation Album)
93 逝去的日輪
New European Recordings, 1989

The Torture Garden 難的花園
Last Farewell 最後的告別
Doubt To Nothing 存疑成幻影
Behind The Rose (Fields Of Rape) 玫瑰身後(血洗的大地)
C'est Un Rêve 這是個夢
She Said Destroy 她說毀滅

Death in June discs compiled
by Smith. 朱 ********World Peace !

● 愛海人的自由與無政府_Anarchy is the Sea.Yukio Mishima, "The Sea of Fertility" tetralogy: The Decay of the Angel 極右派的 三島由紀夫【豐饒之海】卷四 天人五衰 ε "Mishima" Film, 1985

自由的人 你會永遠愛海吧..

( Baudelaire, 09 Apr. 1821- 31 Aug. 1867)


包括了一切 賦予『海』這個名稱的東西
海應是無名的 豐饒的 絕對的無政府主義

三島由紀夫 ( Mishima, 14 Jan. 1925- 25 Nov. 1970)

Soundtrack to Paul Schrader 's film
"Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters" by Phillip Glass, 1985
形 拳 ( Ken Ogata, 20 Jul. 1937- 05 Oct. 2008) stars as Yukio Mishima.

島 敏 行 ( Toshiyuki Nagashima, 21 Oct. 1956- 身高182cm 血型: O型) stars as the fictional role: Isao Iinuma 飯 沼 勳 .
below: A theatrical final scene of Schrader's film from the novel "奔馬"( Runaway Horses), the second in Mishima's "Sea of Fertility" tetralogy.

.. 夢 境 不 可 視 為 現 實
.. 夢 先 於 現 實

旭 日 於 他 眼 瞼 內 奕 然 冉 昇 . . 三 島 由 紀 夫