星期四, 2月 04, 2010

兩 個 ʃcott ‧ ‧ ʃcott Matthew(ʂ)


Anthony Reynolds 過去樂團 Jack, 合作的吉他手, 名字為 Matthew Scott當今樂壇有兩位唱作人, 出身時間相當,
一位是Scott Matthew, 另一位是 Scott Matthews.
Scott Matthew 出身澳洲, 移居美國紐約, 曾與前 Morrissey 專屬樂團的鼓手 Spencer Cobrin 合組團體。 2007 年有「同名」專輯, 2009 年, 最近的新作為 There Is An Ocean That Divides。
Scott 灰色嗓音, 中性特殊的裝扮, 搭配音樂傳達的童真, 與深沉思緒 會為人比擬為 Antony and the Johnsons Antony .
Scott Matthews 為英國歌手, 2006 年 有首張專輯
Passing Stranger, 之後晉級主流廠牌, 專輯裡的 '難以捉摸' Elusive, 是他得過獎的代表作。
2009 年, 亦有最近的新作 Elsewhere。 Matthews 彈唱的風格 富含民謠的知性與世故的風情

. ʃ m i t h .

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

She's a gambler
Spinning wheels
The poisoned victim
The look of steel
The coldest hearts you've ever felt
The coldest hands you've ever held
Take him down, all away
A million miles
Still know her way
As I learn to live long
In a mind I'm proud to roam

She's elusive, and I'm awake
You're finally real
There's nothing fake
A mystery now, to me and you
Open my eyes
And I'm next to you
She's said my destiny
Lies in the hands that set me free

A wreckless night
She hears me breathe
Curse in the sky
But there's company
Lost her wisdom deep inside
Her bitterness shows inside
If it's true, I am doomed
What more is there
To hold on to
A strand of her hair is all I own
A gift to me with sorry so

If something says
That this ain't right
There's more to her, than meets the eye
Come's and go's at any time
Back in my head till another time

no, no, nooo