從 高 處 繽 紛 如 雨 墜 落 的 花 ,
堆 疊 起 矗 立 的 塚,如 此 美 麗
Lazy Calm _慵 懶 的 靜 謐
Fluffy Tufts _絨 毛 束
Throughout The Dark Months Of April And May_黑色月
Whales Tails _鯨 之 尾
Oomingmak _麝 牛
Little Spacey _小 宇 宙
Feet-like Fins _足 狀 的 鰭
How To Bring A Blush To The Snow _如何為雪地帶上腮紅
The Thinner The Air _空 氣 愈 是 稀 薄
Fluffy Tufts _絨 毛 束
Throughout The Dark Months Of April And May_黑色月
Whales Tails _鯨 之 尾
Oomingmak _麝 牛
Little Spacey _小 宇 宙
Feet-like Fins _足 狀 的 鰭
How To Bring A Blush To The Snow _如何為雪地帶上腮紅
The Thinner The Air _空 氣 愈 是 稀 薄
他 知 道 某 處 有 更 繽 紛 的 花 盛 開
1 則留言:
2008年美國國家書卷獎(National Book Award)小說類得主彼得馬蒂森(Peter Matthiessen )
彼得馬蒂森1927年出生在紐約市。1950年畢業於耶魯大學,次年主編The Paris Review書評,他是博物學家、環保激進者,禪師、與世界探險家!
他寫過30幾本備受好評的小說及非小說作品,1974年獲選為美國藝術與文學學院院士(The American Academy of Arts and Letters ),1979年,他以 "The Snow Leopard雪豹一書榮獲國家書卷獎非小說類獎項得主!
2008年出版的幽靈國度("Shadow Country)這本小說,使他再度獲得國家書卷獎小說類桂冠!這是一部描寫佛羅里達州惡名昭彰,一位本性殘暴蔗糖園主的真實故事的三部曲小說。
他的另一故事旅人 (Travelin' Man) 也曾被採用在電影 The Young One 中!
著作: 小說類 Fiction:
Race Rock (1954)
Partisans (1955)
Raditzer (1961)
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1965)
Far Tortuga (1975)
On the River Styx and Other Stories (1989)
Killing Mister Watson (1990)
Lost Man's River (1997)
Bone by Bone (1999)
Shadow Country (2008) (a new rendering of the Watson trilogy)
非小說類 Nonfiction:
Wildlife in America (1959)
The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness (1961)
Under the Mountain Wall: A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age (1962)
The Atlantic Coast, a chapter in The American Heritage Book of Natural Wonders (1963)
The Shorebirds of North America (1967)
Oomingmak (1967)
Sal Si Puedes: Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution (1969)
Blue Meridian. The Search for the Great White Shark (1971).
The Tree Where Man Was Born (1972)
The Snow Leopard (1978)
Sand Rivers (1981)
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse (1983) ISBN 0-14-014456-0
Indian Country (1984)
Nine-headed Dragon River: Zen Journals 1969-1982 (1986)
Men's Lives: The Surfmen and Bayen of the South Fork (1986)
African Silences(1991)
Baikal: Sacred Sea of Siberia (1992)
East of Lo Monthang: In the Land of the Mustang (1995)
The Peter Matthiessen Reader: Nonfiction, 1959-1961 (2000)
Tigers in the Snow (2000)
The Birds of Heaven: Travels With Cranes (2001)
End of the Earth: Voyage to Antarctica (2003)
禪 相關的著作:
Nine-headed Dragon River: Zen Journals 1969-1982 (1986)
Zen and the Writing Life[AUDIOBOOK]
Zen Meditation in Plain English (Paperback)by John Daishin Buksbazen (Author), Peter Matthiessen (Author)