地下根 塊根 地下莖 塊莖 球莖 鱗莖
(地下)根 ROOT: 1. 地下根 Taperoot .2. 塊根 Root Tuber
(地下)莖 STEM: 1. 地下莖 Rhizome. 2. 塊莖 Stem Tuber
...........................3. 球莖 Corm............4. 鱗莖 Bulb
地 下 根 類 別 ROOT Type
1.地下根 Taperoot: 紅蘿蔔 Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus, 蘿蔔 Raphanus sativus L., 芹菜蘿蔔 Pastinaca sativa L., 荷蘭芹 Petroselinum crispum, 甜菜 ( Beet, 莧科) Beta vulgaris L., 山藥 ( 淮山, 薯蕷, Chinese Yam) Dioscorea oppositifolia L., 山葵 Wasabia, 辣根 Armoracia rusticana ( Horseradish), 牛蒡 Arctium lappa L. ( Burdock, Beggar's Buttons), 桔梗, 蒲公英, 人蔘 Panax ginseng, 參茄 Mandragora, 酸模 ( Sorrel) Rumex, 馬利筋 ( 蓮生桂子) Asclepias tuberosa L., 白屈菜 (Swallowwort) Chelidonium majus L., 肥皂草Saponaria, 狹葉紫錐花 Echinacea angustifolia, 花菱草 ( 金英花) Eschscholzia, 銀幣草 ( Silverweed) Argentina, 委陵菜 ( 翻白草, Cinquefoil) Potentilla, 東方罌粟 Papaver orientale L., 罌粟蜀葵 (Poppy Mallow) Callirhoe, 路維花 ( Bitterroot, 馬齒莧科) Lewisia
2.塊根 Root Tuber: 番薯 ( Sweet Potato) Ipomoea batatas, 木薯 (Cassava, 大戟科) Manihot esculenta, 香芋(Ube, Purple Yam) Dioscorea alata, 何首烏 Fallopia multiflora, 葛 ( Japanese Arrowroot) Pueraria montana, 大理花 Dahlia, 芍藥 Paeonia ( Herbaceous Peony), 烏頭 Aconitum(with rhizome), 延胡索Corydalis, 萱草 Hemerocallis, 旱金蓮Tropaeolum(Nasturtium), 花毛茛 Ranunculus asiaticus L.;小白屈菜(Lesser Celandine) R. ficaria L., 塊根牽牛花, 塊根薊 Cirsium tuberosum, 塊根鴨跖草 Commelina tuberosa, 文竹 (天門冬科)Asparagus ( 地 生) 蘭 Orchis, 賽拉庇斯神祇蘭 ( 舌蘭) Serapias
1.地下莖 Rhizome: 薑 Zingiber officinale, 薑黃 (Turm- eric) Curcuma longa L. (鬱金 C. aromatica), 山奈 (番鬱金)Kaempferia galanga, 蘆筍 Asparagus officinalis, 甘蔗 Saccharum L., 蘆薈 Aloe L., 朝鮮薊 ( Artichoke) Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus, 草石蠶 ( 水蘇糖, Chinese Artichoke) Stachys affinis, 川七 Anredera cordifolia, 虎杖 Fallopia japonica, 菝葜 Smilax ( 土茯苓, Chinaroot, S. glabra, 菝葜科), 蓮藕 ( 荷花, 山龍眼目, 蓮科) Nelumbo, 睡蓮 ( 睡蓮目, 睡蓮科) Nymphaea, 鈴蘭, 櫻草 Primula, 玉竹 Polygonatum, 嚏根草 Helleborus ( 聖誕玫瑰, Helleborus niger), 油點草 Tricyrtis, 美人蕉Canna, 愛情花 Agapanthus 君子蘭 Clivia (Kaffir Lily), 荷包牡丹 ( Asian Bleeding Heart, 罌粟科) Lamprocapnos spectabilis, 宮燈百合( 秋水仙科) Sandersonia, 延齡草 Trillium, 藜蘆 Veratrum ( 白藜蘆 V. album, 黑藜蘆 V. nigrum,黑藥花科), 日光蘭 Asphodelus, 虎尾蘭Sansevieria, 吊蘭 Chlorophytum, 疆南星 Arum, 鼠尾南星 Arisarum, 海芋 Zantedeschia, 竹芋 Maranta, 孔雀竹芋 Calathea, 蜘蛛抱蛋 Aspidistra, 玉簪 Hosta, 細辛 Asarum ( 山慈菇 A. sagittarioides), 非洲堇 Saintpaulia,小岩桐 Gloxinia, 林白頭翁 ( 風之花, Windflower) Anemone nemorosa; 秋牡丹 A. hupehensis ( A. hupehensis var. japonica), 復活節白頭翁 Pulsatilla, 獐耳细辛 ( 雪割草) Hepatica nobilis, 側金盞花 Adonis, 驢蹄草 Caltha, 象耳草 ( Elephant-eared Saxifrage) Bergenia, 草莓虎耳草 Saxifragopsis fragarioides, 血根草 ( Bloodroot, 罌粟科) Sanguinaria canadensis L., 香水花 ( 耶誕鈴, Christmas Bell,香水花科) Blandfordia, 仙茅 Curculigo, 櫻茅 Rhodohypoxis baurii ( Rose Grass, 小仙茅科), 無葉花 ( 星捧月) Aphyllanthes monspeliensis L.,土木香 Inula helenium, 山金車 Arnica, 大黃 (Rhubarb) Rheum, 鬼灯檠 Rodgersia, 泡盛草 (落新婦) Astilbe, 蜂斗菜 (Butterbur) Petasites, 款冬 Tussilago farfara L., 大吳風草 Farfugium, 黃連 Coptis chinensis, 鮮黃連 ( Twinleaf, 毛茛目, 小檗科) Jeffersonia, 南天竹 Nandina, 假葉樹 Ruscus, 淫羊藿 Epimedium, 香草葉 ( Vanilla Leaf, Sweet After Death)Achlys, 合歡子 ( 蚊子草, Meadowsweet) Filipendula, 斗篷草 Alchemilla, 流星花 ( Shooting Star, 歐石楠目, 樱草科) Dodecatheon, 百合水仙 Alstroemeria ( 百合水仙科), 蔓六出花 Bomarea, 草蘆薈Manfreda, 綠絨篙 Meconopsis, 雅各天梯 ( 花蔥, Jacob's Ladder, 花蔥科) Polemonium, 療肺草 ( Lungwort,琉璃苣科) Pulmonaria, 東莨菪Scopolia, 颱風草Setaria palmifolia, 火燒蘭 ( Hellebore) Epipactis, 三尖蘭 Masdevallia, 仙履蘭 Cypripedium, 藍眼鳶尾 Sisyrinchium, 卡弗百合 Hesperantha coccinea ( syn. Schizostylis, Scarlet Kaffir Lily, Red Flag), 南非野鳶尾 Dietes, 地下莖鳶尾 ( e.g. 香根鸢尾 Iris pallida), 地下莖酢醬草: Oxalis acetosella ( Wood Sorrel), Oxalis triangularis ( Purple Shamrock), Oxalis enneaphylla
2.塊莖 Stem Tuber: 馬鈴薯, 仙客來, 塊莖秋海棠 Begonia × tuberhybrida, 白頭翁 ( 銀蓮花) Anemone coronaria, 彩葉芋 Caladium, 晚香玉 Polianthes tuberosa L., 冬烏頭 ( 兔葵) Eranthis, 嘉蘭( 光榮百合, 秋水仙科) Gloriosa, 大岩桐 Sinningia speciosa, 邦格金花 Bongardia chrysogonum 黑鳶尾(塊莖鳶尾) Iris tuberosa L. (syn. Hermodactylus tuberosa), 塊莖酢醬草: Oxalis tuberosa
3.球莖 Corm: 芋頭 ( Taro, Colocasia esculenta), 荸薺, 慈姑 Sagittaria, 香蕉 Musa, 番紅花 ( 鳶尾科), 劍蘭, 彩眼劍蘭 Gladiolus murielae syn. Gladiolus callianthus, 秋水仙 Colchicum ( 秋水仙科), 山慈菇 Iphigenia, 小蒼蘭 Freesia ( 姬繪扇 F. laxa, False Freesia), 射干菖蒲 Crocosmia, 紫燈花 Brodiaea, 三紫燈 Triteleia, 天南星 Arisaema (講壇小鬼,Jack-in-the-pulpit,A. triphyllum) Amorphophallus ( 巨花魔芋 A. titanum; 蒟蒻, Konjac A. konjac), 小仙茅 Hypoxis ( 小金梅, African Potato, Star Grass, Goldstar), 午時星花 Spiloxene, 狒狒草 Babiana ( Blue Freesia), 蒂可菲花 Tecophilaea ( 藍番紅花科), 智利風雨蘭Zephyra, 麒麟菊 (Gayfeather)Liatris, 布袋蘭 Calypso bulbosa, 沃森花 Watsonia, 羅慕花 Romulea, 酒杯花 Geissorhiza, 水仙菖蒲 Sparaxis, 鳶尾蒜 Ixiolirion, 拉培疏鳶尾 Lapeirousia, 小鳶尾 Ixia ( Corn Lily), 暮鳶尾 Hesperantha, 肖鳶尾 Moraea, ( 球莖鳶尾)
4.鱗莖 Bulb: 洋蔥, 雪花 Galanthus, 雪片蓮 Leucojum, 鬱金香, 水仙, 風信子, 藍鐘 ( Bluebell) Hyacinthoides, 葡萄風信子 Muscari, 印第安風信子 Camassia, 虎斑花Tigridia, 風雨蘭 Zephyranthes, 銅花風雨蘭 Habranthus, 晚花風雨蘭 Cooperia, 花韭 Ipheion, 孤挺花, 香殊蘭Crinum, 石蒜 Lycoris ( 黃花石蒜, 忽地笑 L. aurea; 紅花石蒜, 彼岸花, 蔓珠沙華 L. radiata; 螢光藍石蒜 L. sprengeri), 納麗石蒜 ( 根希百合)Nerine, 濱海石蒜 Phycella, 火百合Cyrtanthus, 火球花 ( 血百合, Blood Lily) Haemanthus, 黃花秋水仙 Sternbergia ( 石蒜科), 絨毛麗草 Calochortus, 豹子花 Nomocharis, 百合, 貝母 Fritillaria ( 黑百合 F. camschatcensis), 狗牙百合 (豬牙花, Trout Lily, Dog's- -tooth Violet) Erythronium, 蜘蛛百合Hymenocallis, 亞馬遜百合 Eucharis ( E.×grandiflora, Amazon Lily), 陽光百合 Leucocoryne ( Glory-of-the- sun), 油點百合 Drimiopsis, 鳳梨百合 Eucomis, 羅馬百合 Bellevalia, 雪光百合 ( Glory-of-the-snow) Chionodoxa, 海蔥 ( Squill) Scilla, 普希金草 ( 藍飾海蔥) Puschkinia, 伯利恆之星 ( Star- of-Bethlehem) Ornithogalum, 黃花伯利恆之星 ( 頂冰花) Gagea, 濱海水仙 ( 全能花) Pancratium, 荷蘭人馬褲 Dicentra cuccularia ( 罌粟科), 收鞘花 ( Bartram's Ixia) Calydorea, 草原鳶尾 Nemastylis, 鱗莖鳶尾 ( e.g. Iris × hollandica), 鱗莖酢醬草: Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa( with taproot), Oxalis tetraphylla syn. O. deppei ( with taproot, Lucky Leaf, Iron Cross), Oxalis adenophylla (南美), Oxalis obtusa (南非), Oxalis perdicaria (南美), Oxalis compressa(南非)
N O T E:
仙履蘭 ( 維納斯拖鞋蘭, 杓蘭) Cypripedium L.: As with most terrestrial orchids, the rhizome is short and robust, growing in the uppermost soil layer. The rhizome grows annually with a growth bud at one end and dies off at the other end. The Mocassin Flower ( Cypripedium acaule) has a short underground stem. The stems lack pseudobulbs.
拖鞋蘭 Paphiopedilum Pfitzer: These sympodial orchids lack pseudobulbs. Instead, they grow robust shoots.
三尖蘭 Masdevallia: The plants are characterized by an abbreviated to elongate and creeping rhizome that gives rise to stems that lack pseudobulbs. Link
金蓮花 ( Globe Flower) Trollius: ( numerous) fibrous roots
獐耳细辛 ( Liverwort) Hepatica: fibrous roots, but one, Hepatica nobilis, has a short thick, rhizomatous rootstock. Link
紫錐花 ( Coneflower) Echinacea: taproots, except Echinacea purpurea, which grows from a short caudex (莖基) with fibrous roots.
銀幣草 ( Silverweed) Argentina, 委陵菜 ( Cinquefoil) Potentilla: low-growing herbaceous plants with creeping red stolons (走莖) that can be up to 80 cm long. Link
側金盞花 Adonis: many are annuals, but there are also some rhizomatous perennials ( e.g. 春福壽草 Adonis vernalis). Link
綠絨篙 Meconopsis: 藍罌粟 Meconopsis betonicifolia ..unlike most Meconopsis, it is perennial. Link
Cirsium tuberosum or Tuberous thistle 塊根薊, has tuberous roots rather than runners (Cirsium dissectum, Meadow Thistle), and the leaves are twice pinnated. It is found in Calcerous grasslands but very rare.
薑黃 ( Turmeric) Curcuma longa, Link ; 狹葉薑黃 ( 東印度箭根) Curcuma angustifolia: rhizome with starch tuber (root). Link
竹芋 Maranta: 竹芋 ( 粉薯, 箭根, 葛鬱金, 太白筍, Arrowroot) Maranta arundinacea L., rhizome with starch tuber (root). Link
肖竹芋 Calathea: 幾內亞箭根( Guinea Arrowroot) Calathea allouia, 孔雀竹芋 ( Peacock Plant) Calathea makoyana, with starch tuber (root). Link
吊蘭 ( Spider Plant) Chlorophytum comosum: with tuber (root). Link
水仙百合 ( 印加百合, 六出花) Alstroemeria: Perennial herb, erect or twining, rhizomatous with storage roots. Link
蔓六出花 Bomarea: ..make sure that the new division has some growing points (see photos below) with at least one "storage tuber". The tubers are only for storage and "no" new plants can be grown just from the tubers alone. Link
藍眼鳶尾 ( Blue-eyed Grasses) Sisyrinchium: Most species grow as perennial plants, from a rhizome, though some are short-lived (e.g. S. striatum), and some are annuals (e.g. S. iridifolium).
o t h e r ʂ:
甘草 ( Liquorice) Glycyrrhiza glabra: root.
當歸 ( Female Ginseng) Angelica sinensis: root.
黃耆 ( Milkvetch) Astragalus propinquus: root.
黃岑 ( Skullcap) Scutellaria baicalensis: root.
遠志 ( Milkwort) Polygala tenuifolia; 香豌豆木 ( Sweet Pea Shrub) Polygala × dalmaisiana: root.
颠茄 ( Deadly Nightshade) Atropa belladonna L.: root. Link
鴉片罌粟 ( Opium Poppy) Papaver somniferum L.: annual with taproot. Link
一葉蘭 ( Glory-of-the-east, Indian Crocus) Pleione: pseudobulb (假鱗莖), all produced from long lived creeping stems called rhizomes. Link
11 則留言:
True bulb (enlarged, vertical, modified bud): lily, allium
Corm (vertical stem swollen with food -storage tissue): crocus, gladiolus, freesia, montbretia
Tuber (underground, horizontal, food-storing stem): anemone, tuberous begonia (tuberous stem)
Tuberous root (roots with fleshy food-storing parts): dahlia, ranunculus
Rhizome (horizontal stem, roots from lower side and stems or leaves from the tip): iris, lily-of-the-valley
Tunicate bulb( daffodil, tulip..)
Scaly bulbs( fritillary, nomocharis and lily.. ) http://www.grovida.com/guide-10/bulbs.html
BULB/CORM/RHIZOME/TUBER (What's the difference?)
Crocosmia: The genus name is derived from the Greek words krokos, meaning "saffron", and osme, meaning "odor" - from the fact that dried leaves of these plants emit a strong smell like that of saffron (a spice derived from Crocus - another genus belonging to the Iridaceae) - when immersed in hot water.
Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit., 1804: It was first described by Clusius in 1601 as Narcissus, before being redescribed by Carl Linnaeus as Amaryllis in 1753. The plant referred to by both these descriptions is now recognised as being Sternbergia lutea, which was described by Franz von Waldstein and Pál Kitaibel in 1803, although their first validation of the name Sternbergia was applied to S. colchiciflora.
Lapeirousia Pourr., 1788: The genus Lapeirousia was described by Pierre André Pourret in Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse 3 : 79 (1788). He named the genus in honour of his friend, the botanist Philippe-Isidore Picot de Lapeyrouse. The inconsistent spellings of that name no doubt led to the original genus name being spelt "Lapeirousia" and contributed to various subsequent misspellings of the genus in various reference sources, notably "Lapeyrousia".[2] There also has been confusion leading to unfounded claims that the genus was named after the French mariner Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse, who had nothing substantial to do with matters botanical, and was unrelated to de Lapeyrouse.
Triteleia: They get their name from the fact that all parts of their flowers come in threes.
The systematics of this genus are problematic in two ways.
First, different current systems place the genus in three different families. The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group in the 2009 revision place it in family Asparagaceae, subfamily Brodiaeoideae[4] (having previously placed it in the possibly distinct Themidaceae). Other modern authors place it in the family Alliaceae. All these families are in the order Asparagales. However, older but still widely used sources such as ITIS place the Tripletlilies in the family Liliaceae, in the order Liliales.
The second difficulty is taxonomical; some common species that are now placed in genus Triteleia were formerly placed in genus Brodiaea, and as a consequence "brodiaea" has been incorporated into some of their common names. About 15-20 species are currently recognised in Triteleia, with several of them having well defined subspecies or varieties that have different common names.
starchy tuber:
Chelidonium majus: This plant is undoubtedly the true Celandine, having nothing in common with the Lesser Celandine except the colour of its flowers. It was a drug plant in the Middle Ages and is mentioned by Pliny, to whom we owe the tradition that it is called Chelidonium from the Greek chelidon (a swallow), because it comes into flower when the swallows arrive and fades at their departure. (The English name Celandine is merely a corruption of the Greek word.) Its acrid juice has been employed successfully in removing films from the cornea of the eye, a property which Pliny tells us was discovered by swallows, this being a double reason why the plant should be named after these birds.
大吳風草 Farfugium (較長的地下莖), 和 橐吾 Ligularia & 千里光 Senecio 相似:
Hermodactylus Mill. 1754: From the Greek Hermes (Mercury) and daktylos (finger), referring to the stem tuber.
syn. Iris tuberosa L.