虹的彼岸-T h e O t h e r S h o r e o fT h e R a i n b o w
Once upon a time when boys dressed in colours and girls sang the colours of the rainbow.宿命的變色龍真實色虹的彼端
Syzygium campanulatumKorth.1 8 4 8syn.Eugenia oleina/ Eugenia mytifolia ( Lillypilly)/ 紅 楠 木/ 鐘 花 蒲 桃 forums.plant-seeds.idv.tw/highlight=Syzygium The type species of SyzygiumR.Br. ex Gaertn. 1788: Syzygium caryophyllaeum Gaertn. 桃 金 娘 科 蒲 桃 属
Syzygium aromaticum(L.) Merrill & Perry 丁 香 C l o v e Syzygium samarangense 蓮 霧 W a t e r A p p l e The genus name of this plant 'Syzygium' is derived from the Greek "syzygos", meaning joined, yoked together; referring to the paired leaves and branches.
_ Fra Lippo Lippi b y R o b e r t B r o w n i n g 法 里 波 里 皮 ▌ 離 開 廢 墟 ▌ 這 樣 的 時 刻 ▌ 安 靜 ▌ 失 落
fl o r a . c a s t : Conium maculatum L. Hemlock _ 毒 芹 Cicuta virosa L. Water Hemlock _ 水 毒 芹 Hyoscyamus niger L. Black Henbane _ 黑 莨 菪, 天 仙 子 Acanthus L. Bear's Breeches _ 莨 苕 Ranunculus auricomus L. Buttercup _ 毛 茛 ( type species) Jasminum _ 茉 莉 and Rhododendron _ ( 樹) 杜 鵑, 踯 躅
songs from Sʜʀɪekʙɑck's 1st album:Care, ɪ983; 3rd album: Oil & Gold, ɪ985; 4th album: Big Night Music, ɪ986. Manhunter, a Michael Mann film, starring William Petersen ( 21 Feb. 1953- ). Based on Thomas Harris's novel Red Dragon, Manhunter leaded to the 1991's The Silence of the Lambs, a film adaptation of Harris' next Lecter novel, starring Anthony Hopkins ( 31 Dec. 1937- ) and Jodie Foster. And The Silence of the Lambs was followed in turn by a sequel and two prequels: Hannibal, Red Dragon and Hannibal Rising.
Sing a cradle song now, as the light fades around us
And you breathe like the ocean, lying small in my arms
See it all in a moment - you so young and unclouded
Shining bright as a lion - feel the motion of time
As the world rolls away from the sun.
I can feel your life burning - unlived moments within you
Further than I can see...
May the fire be your friend and the sea rock you gently,
May the moon light your way - till the wind sets you free
I remember your face as you cried for the first time
The cold air of the world and the fierce light of day
And the cruel separation in a world washed with tears;
Numbed with pain to unfeeling - May you hold to your truth
As you walk the dark night of unreason
The stone walls which surround us - may your spirit fly round them
Like the wind from the sea...
May you never know hunger: may you love with a full heart -
The light stay in your eyes...
N O T E:
仙履蘭 ( 維納斯拖鞋蘭, 杓蘭) Cypripedium L.: As with most terrestrial orchids, the rhizome is short and robust, growing in the uppermost soil layer. The rhizome grows annually with a growth bud at one end and dies off at the other end. The Mocassin Flower ( Cypripedium acaule) has a short underground stem. The stems lack pseudobulbs.
拖鞋蘭 Paphiopedilum Pfitzer: These sympodial orchids lack pseudobulbs. Instead, they grow robust shoots.
三尖蘭 Masdevallia: The plants are characterized by an abbreviated to elongate and creeping rhizome that gives rise to stems that lack pseudobulbs. Link
金蓮花 ( Globe Flower) Trollius: ( numerous) fibrous roots
獐耳细辛 ( Liverwort) Hepatica: fibrous roots, but one, Hepatica nobilis, has a short thick, rhizomatous rootstock. Link
紫錐花 ( Coneflower) Echinacea: taproots, except Echinacea purpurea, which grows from a short caudex (莖基) with fibrous roots.
銀幣草 ( Silverweed) Argentina, 委陵菜 ( Cinquefoil) Potentilla: low-growing herbaceous plants with creeping red stolons (走莖) that can be up to 80 cm long. Link
側金盞花 Adonis: many are annuals, but there are also some rhizomatous perennials ( e.g. 春福壽草 Adonis vernalis). Link
綠絨篙 Meconopsis: 藍罌粟 Meconopsis betonicifolia ..unlike most Meconopsis, it is perennial. Link Cirsium tuberosum or Tuberous thistle 塊根薊, has tuberous roots rather than runners (Cirsium dissectum, Meadow Thistle), and the leaves are twice pinnated. It is found in Calcerous grasslands but very rare.
薑黃 ( Turmeric) Curcuma longa, Link ; 狹葉薑黃 ( 東印度箭根) Curcuma angustifolia: rhizome with starch tuber (root). Link
竹芋 Maranta: 竹芋 ( 粉薯, 箭根, 葛鬱金, 太白筍, Arrowroot) Maranta arundinacea L., rhizome with starch tuber (root). Link
肖竹芋 Calathea: 幾內亞箭根( Guinea Arrowroot) Calathea allouia, 孔雀竹芋 ( Peacock Plant) Calathea makoyana, with starch tuber (root). Link
吊蘭 ( Spider Plant) Chlorophytum comosum: with tuber (root). Link
水仙百合 ( 印加百合, 六出花) Alstroemeria: Perennial herb, erect or twining, rhizomatous with storage roots. Link
蔓六出花 Bomarea: ..make sure that the new division has some growing points (see photos below) with at least one "storage tuber". The tubers are only for storage and "no" new plants can be grown just from the tubers alone. Link
藍眼鳶尾 ( Blue-eyed Grasses) Sisyrinchium: Most species grow as perennial plants, from a rhizome, though some are short-lived (e.g. S. striatum), and some are annuals (e.g. S. iridifolium).
o t h e r ʂ:
甘草 ( Liquorice) Glycyrrhiza glabra: root.
當歸 ( Female Ginseng) Angelica sinensis: root.
黃耆 ( Milkvetch) Astragalus propinquus: root.
黃岑 ( Skullcap) Scutellaria baicalensis: root.
遠志 ( Milkwort) Polygala tenuifolia; 香豌豆木 ( Sweet Pea Shrub) Polygala × dalmaisiana: root.
颠茄 ( Deadly Nightshade) Atropa belladonna L.: root. Link
鴉片罌粟 ( Opium Poppy) Papaver somniferum L.: annual with taproot. Link
一葉蘭 ( Glory-of-the-east, Indian Crocus) Pleione: pseudobulb (假鱗莖), all produced from long lived creeping stems called rhizomes. Link
S P K : Sinan Leong, Graeme Revell & Karina Hayes, 1987 lineup. In Flagrante Delicto 犯罪當下│ Invocation 祈願 12" 1986‧Palms Crossed in Sorrow 悲傷中雙掌閤十│Alocasia Metallica 金屬般的姑婆芋1987‧White Island 白色島嶼│In the Dying Moments 死亡當下1987, 1988Oceanialive.
Alocasia, from Greek a-, not, locasia, lotus root; referring to its similarity toColocasia芋 屬.芋 頭 T a r o :Colocasia esculenta(L.) Schott 1832
Breathless 沒呼吸, Graeme Revell( 23 Oct. 1955- New Zealand), of 80s' SPK, a Hollywood film score composer after 90s. 1991 Wim Wenders' Until the End of the World sound scores. David Darling of ECM plays the cello solo.
側 身 有 刺 的 男 孩▅The first single by The Smiths to be accompanied by a promotional video, something the band had previously resisted. Some of the Smiths' more purist fans at the time derided this as a sell-out. Bez of Happy Mondays presented the Best Re-Issue Award to Johnny Marr ( guitarist of The Smiths). Johnny of The Smiths presented the Godlike Genius Award to Noel Gallagher ( guitarist/ vocalist of Oasis).
He wakes up to ignore the time of a day and enters the nights.
TheBeatles-like band, American group The Monkees' 4th & 5th albums: 雙魚, 水瓶, 摩羯座和瓊斯有限公司 ( Capricorn for the EnglishmanDavid Jones, 30 Dec. 1945– 29 Feb. 2012 ,Atherosclerosis †) Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. 6 nov. '67,&鳥, 蜜蜂和頑猴們The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees 22 apr. '68, including the songs: 愛正睡著Love is only sleeping&活在白日夢的人 Daydream believer; as their lastno.l( on U.S. Billboard) single. _ Vallericover byThe King of Luxemburg aka Simon Fisher Turner, 1987.
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