星期一, 2月 27, 2012

✚ 文 字 太 多, 生 命 卻 太 短。或 生命是一篇冗長的文字. . Too many words, yet too short the life; or Life is too long a chapter. . The Divine Comedy "The Booklovers" I994

Divina Commedia, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308- 1321.
神 曲 " 愛 書 人 " from 攜 伴 散 步 P r o m e n a d e , Northern Ireland's Neil Hannon ( 7 Nov. 1970- ) 3rd album, 1994.
This book deals with epiphenomenalism, which has to do with consciousness as a mere accessory of physiological processes whose presence or absence.. makes no difference.. whatever are you doing ?

Aphra Benn: Hello
Cervantes: Donkey
Daniel Defoe: To christen the day!
Samuel Richardson: Hello
Henry Fielding: Tittle-tattle Tittle-tattle..
Lawrence Sterne: Hello
Mary Wolstencraft: Vindicated!
Jane Austen: Here I am!
Sir Walter Scott: We're all doomed!
Leo Tolstoy: Yes!
Honoré de Balzac: Oui..
Edgar Allen Poe: Aaaarrrggghhhh!
Charlotte Brontë: Hello..
Emily Brontë: Hello..
Anne Brontë: Hellooo..?
Nikolai Gogol: Vas chi
Gustav Flaubert: Oui
William Makepeace Thackeray: Call me 'William Makepeace Thackeray'
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The letter 'A'
Herman Melville: Ahoy there!
Charles Dickens: London is so beautiful this time of year..
Anthony Trollope: good-good-good-good evening!
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Here come the sleepers..
Mark Twain: I can't even spell 'Mississippi'!
George Eliot: George reads German
Emile Zola: J'accuse
Henry James: Howdy Miss Wharton!
Thomas Hardy: Ooo-arrr!
Joseph Conrad: I'm a bloody boring writer..
Katherine Mansfield: [cough cough]
Edith Wharton: Well hello, Mr James!
DH Lawrence: Never heard of it
EM Forster: Never heard of it!

James Joyce: Hello there!
Virginia Woolf: I'm losing my mind!
Marcel Proust: Je me'en souviens plus
F Scott Fitzgerald: baa bababa baa
Ernest Hemingway: I forgot the..
Hermann Hesse: Oh es ist alle so häßlich
Evelyn Waugh: Whoooaarr!
William Faulkner: Tu connait William Faulkner?
Anaïs Nin: The strand of pearls
Ford Maddox Ford: Any colour, as long as it's black!
Jean-Paul Sartre: Let's go to the dome, Simone!
Simone de Beauvoir: C'est exact present
Albert Camus: The beach.. the beach
Thomas Mann: Mam
Graham Greene: Call me 'pinky', lovely
Jack Kerouac: Me car's broken down..
William S Burroughs: Wowwww!

Kingsley Amis: [cough]
Doris Lessing: I hate men!
Vladimir Nabokov: Hello, little girl..
William Golding: Achtung Busby!
JG Ballard: Instrument binnacle
Richard Brautigan: How are you doing?
Milan Kundera: I don't do interviews
Ivy Compton Burnett: Hello...
Paul Theroux: Have a nice day!
Günter Grass: I've found snails!
Gore Vidal: Oh, it makes me mad!
John Updike: Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run..
Kazuro Ishiguro: Ah so, old chap!
Malcolm Bradbury: stroke John Steinbeck, stroke JD Salinger
Iain Banks: Too orangey for crows!
AS Byatt: Nine tenths of the law, you know..
Martin Amis: [burp]
Brett Easton Ellis: Aaaaarrrggghhh!
Umberto Eco: I don't understand this either..
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Mi casa es su casa
Roddy Doyle: ha ha ha!
Salman Rushdie: Names will live forever..

appy the man, and happy he alone who in all honesty can call today his own; He who has life and strength enough to say 'Yesterday's dead & gone- I want to live today'

Morrissey ( 22 May 1959- ), John Peel ( 30 Aug. 1939– 25 Oct. 2004, heart attack) and Brazilian director Walter Salles' film On The Road, an adaptation of the Jack Kerouac ( 12 Mar. 1922– 21 Oct. 1969 ,internal bleeding due to long-standing abuse of alcohol.) novel, starring Sam Riley ( Control, 2007) as Sal Paradise & Garrett Hedlund as Dean Moriarty.

1 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

>> 睡蓮為古老的雙子葉植物,在形態上仍具有某些單子葉植物的特徵。原始型的花具有下列特徵:具花被、兩性花且為規則花、子房上位、心皮與雄蕊多數個,呈螺旋狀排列,花的各部位互相分離,即不為合生。

1.寒帶睡蓮:日間開花、花季早,但入秋前即結束,葉片平滑呈圓形,大小中等,花朵僅漂浮在水面。耐寒性強,數經寒冬而不枯死,以歐洲白睡蓮(N. alba),芳香睡蓮(N. odorata)為主。


我國原生的睡蓮不過2~3種。台灣原生有2種子午蓮(Nymphaea tetragona Georgi)和白花睡蓮(Nymphaea houchali Burm f.)。

本省現有的睡蓮早在日據時代已引入,但種類不多,目前主要在公園水池中常見的品種以白花的齒葉夜睡蓮(N.lotus L. var. dentata),紅花的紅花睡蓮(N. rubra Roxb.),藍花的碧藍睡蓮(N. carenlea Savigny)等,近年來部分品種被利用為專業栽培,以俗稱香水睡蓮及觀音睡蓮二大系統為主,多為國外引進的雜交種,屬於日開的睡蓮品種,並有利用於盆栽型的小花睡蓮品種。



睡蓮因為多年生草本植物,其莖常短縮形成具有肉質地下莖之偽莖型態,熱帶睡蓮的變態莖可分為塊莖(tuber),直立型根莖(erect rhizomes)、走莖(stolon),寒帶睡蓮的變態莖則為水平型根莖(horizontal rhizomes)或短的直立型根莖。
