星期三, 12月 19, 1990

x Z y g o [ ʂ ]

x Zygolum Louisendorf 'Rhein Moonlight' =
Zygosepalum labiosum x Zygopetalum Artur Elle

Zygopetalum Redvale 'Dabney'

Cattleya x Batemanniana 'Bette' =
Cattleya intermedia x Cattleya coccinea X
Batemannia x Laelia

Zygosepalum labiosum

x Galeopetalum Belle Glade 'Everglades Splash' =
Galeottia x Zygopetalum

x Zygonisia Roquebrune 'J E M' =
Zygopetalum Artur Elle x Aganisia cyanea

Batemannia colleyi

Promenaea Meadow Gold x Promenaea xanthina

x Propetalum =
Zygopetalum Artur Elle 'Randy' x Promenaea xanthina

x Zygocolax Judith Phillips =
Zygopetalum mackayi x Pabstia jugosa (syn. Colax jugosus)

x Zygoneria Adelaide Oval 'Windflower' =
Zygopetalum x Neogardneria murrayana

Zygopetalum Redvale 'Fire Kiss'

Pabstia jugosa

x Pabanisia Evas Blue Amazon =
Aganisia cyaneae (syn. Acallis cyaneae) x Pabstia jugosa  (syn. Colax jugosus)

Otostylis lepida

Pabstia Garay a n d Bifrenaria Lindl. syn. Colax Lindl. ex Spreng. 

2 則留言:

Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

Zygopetalum の属間交配


Jérôme Smith Ju 朱 提到...

×Zygoneria is another transgeneric hybrid, between the genera Zygopetalum and Neogardneria murrayana (specifically, Zygopetalum Titanic x ×Zygoneria Dynamo.)

Here is the parentage for ×Zygoneria Dynamo: The seed parent is Neogardneria murrayana and the pollen parent is Zygopetalum Helen-Ku.

Registered Orchid Grex Parentage can be easily found by going to
http://apps.rhs.org.uk/horticulturaldatabase/orchidregister/orchidregister.asp and entering the Grex name.