Suillus luteus is an edible mushroom. Though some authors regard it as one of low quality, and generally inferior to co-occurring species such as Boletus pinophilus.
墮 落 - The goal of every culture is to decay through over- civilization; the factors of decadence, - luxury, skepticism, weariness and superstition, - are constant. The civilization of one epoch becomes the manure of the next. - Cyril Connolly ɪ 9 9 8被 斬 首 的 贏 家 與 幸 福 香 氛 2 o o 3愛 些 東 西, 消 耗 一 些2 o o 5 心 碎 哪 去?
2 3m a y 2 o o ɪ羅 曼 史 愛 人 男 孩7"
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. - John Adams
kingdom Plantae, genus I x i aL., ( kingdom Animalia, genus I x i a sHübner), the genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek ἰξία (= χαμαιλέων λευκός, chamaeleon leukos), the pine thistle, Carlina gummifera, an unrelated plant in the Asteraceae family.
After a successful American tour and the tragic death of their manager and good friend Tony Fletcher (Kennedy Street Enterprises), The Chameleons UK drifted apart, although the band never officially broke up. Mark and John quickly formed The Sun And The Moonand Dave and Reg some time after began rehearsing together as The Reegs.
Prima materia, materia prima or first matter, is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus (The great work) and the creation of the philosopher's stone.l i n k
These recordings have been taken from the soundtracks to the shows 'Materia Prima', performed in Holland, Italy, Finland and Denmark, 1988-89, and the 'Unacceptable Face of Freedom', performed in London in 1986. This is a 'restricted issue'.
M ore expressly political than their German counterparts Einstürzende Neubauten, Test Department followed the same tack: A creative use of the ethos in which diverse objects can be used as instruments. Formed in London's New Cross in 1982 by Alistair Adams, Graham Cunningham, Tony Cudlip, Gus Ferguson and Paul Jamrozy, the quintet became renowned for the staging of huge multimedia events at obscure venues, and their political agenda, which has included action against apartheid, the rise of neo-Nazism and Britain's Criminal Justice Act.
2 3 M a r c h1 9 8 4 ▅w e d. 1 4 m a r 2 o 1 2
( a reply on前 衛 花 園L's F B: )
沉淪到家, 一杯熱的藍色咖啡如何..
做為一支在叛克環境裡出身的先遣之一, T h e J a m 稟性, 說不上擷踞粗糙的難堪, 或性之所至的叛逆; 但做為一支音樂河緩流, J 到 T h e S t y l e C o u n c i l 到 P a u l W e l l e r 讓人領教音樂好聽的可能。 '84年, 做為 SC首張正式專輯,Café Bleu搖身變得驚奇; 對當時從 J 一路續聽到 S C, 或從 SC 回頭拾聽過去的愛樂人來說, Café Bleu 的音樂元素, 怡人過份得不思議。 在進程到主打/成名曲 My Ever Changing Moods 之前的鋪陳, 讓人伏首稱讚, 以為這是: 「一張最好聽不過的爵士流行..」 sorry, 在這只找到 Me Ship Came In!
P S回應一下, 您提過不只一次的 40 days..S l o w d i v eS o u v l a k i 專輯每支歌都有人po, 獨 40這支找不到/或 最近找到.. 這支歌好像何故被 UT刻意擋下, 我的 po也是如此。 被擋過一次, 這團其他東西就不想輕易去嘗試 po了。 andCafé Bleu 也是如此.. 前 15 mins 我 po上去馬上被擋 @@"'so sorry.. 沉淪五分鐘 我 這 艘 進 港 船 的悠悠咖啡吧!
──The photos of not in the public domain pics are not for commercial use, and the copyrights are respectively belonged to individual owners