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Campanula latifolia
Pulmonaria obscura
Lilium martagon
Lathyrus vernus syn. Orobus vernus L.
Ranunculus ficaria
syn. Ficaria verna
Primula minima
Carlina acaulis
Geum peckii
Clematis alpina
Rhododendron myrtifolium
Galanthus nivalis
Scilla siberica
Hepatica nobilis
Cyclamen persicum
Gagea lutea, Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem
Saxifraga sibirica
Dianthus repens
Geum glaciale syn. Novosieversia glacialis
Cerastium maximum
Rhododendron aureum
Calypso Salisb.
布 袋 蘭 C a l y p s o b u l b o s a (L.) Oakes, F a i r y S l i p p e r
syn. Cypripedium bulbosum L.
Calypso: (καλύπτω, kalyptō), means "to cover", "to conceal 隱匿", "to hide", or "to deceive". A nymph in Greek mythology, who lived on the island of Ogygia, where she detained Odysseus for 7 years. She is the daughter of the Titan Atlas.
龍 口 蘭 A r e t h u s a b u l b o s a L., Dragon's Mouth Orchid
Arethusa: (Ἀρέθουσα), means "the waterer". A daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), who fled from her home in Arcadia beneath the sea and came up as a fresh water fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily. The myth of her transformation begins in Arcadia when she came across a clear stream and began bathing, not knowing it was the river god Alpheus (the Alfei River). Link