星期三, 5月 02, 1984

A Beautiful Mind 心 之 美 ─ 鐵 線 蓮 Clematis Dill. ex L. 1753

Clematis, from Ancient Greek clématis, a climbing plant, most probably a periwinkle.

鐵線蓮 花言葉:心 之 美, 精神的美麗, 旅人的喜悅
Freesia laxa ( Thunb.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning syn. Lapeirousia laxa ( False Freesia, 拉 培 疏 鳶 尾)

◆ Picture of L. _ for 林 內 . Carl von Linné aka Carolus Linnæus. 1707 - 1778. The Father of Modern Taxonomy. ε Linnaea borealis L. 1753

Linnaeus's personal motto: " Innocue vivito, numen adest."
____ Live righteously, the deity is present. ____

Linneaus around 1735-1740, by Hendrik Hollander (1853)

arl von Linné
( Linnæus, 23 maj 1707 _Småland, Sweden- 10 januari 1778 _Uppsala) laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature, known as " The Father of Modern Taxonomy ".

, 現代生物學分類命名的奠基人。

Paper money of Sverige

Linnaeus @ 300, 2007. Nature Magazine March issue cover showed Linneaus wore a modern jacket and held DNA barcodes as nowadays. Cover art by Jovan Djordjevic.

( below:) Linnaea borealis L. 1753/ Twinflower/ Linnea/ 林內花/ 北極花

Linnaea Gronov. ex L. 1753

{ As a young man Linnaeus named this small twin flower " Linnæa" in his early papers. However, later in the manuscript of Systema Naturae he replaced it with "Rudbeckia*". }

Linnaea was formally named by Linnaeus' teacher and patron Jan Frederik Gronovius ( 10 Feb. 1686- 10. Jul. 1762), and Linnaeus added borealis, meaning Nordic. Linnaeus took this flower as his own personal symbol when he was raised to the Swedish nobility in 1757.

Of it, Linnaeus said "Linnaea was named by the celebrated Gronovius and is a plant of Lapland, lowly, insignificant, disregarded, flowering but for a brief time—from Linnaeus, who resembles it". __The first edition of Linnaeus' Species Plantarum published in 1753.


* Rudbeckia was later named by Linnaeus in honor of his teacher at Uppsala University, Professor Olof Rudbeck the Younger ( Mar. 15 1660- Mar.23 1740), and his father, Professor Olof Rudbeck the Elder ( Sep. 13 1630- Dec. 12 1702), both of them were botanists.

( P.S.: In 1737, Gronovius described the Transvaal daisy, naming it Gerbera for the German medical doctor Traugott Gerber ( 16 Jan. 1710- 8 Feb. 1743), also a friend of Linnaeus. )

Arnica L. 1753 山金車 屬 Type species: Arnica montana L.
Gerbera L. 1758 非洲菊 屬 Type species: Gerbera linnaei Cass. 1821 syn. Arnica gerbera L. 1753

Gerbera jamesonii was discovered in 1884 near Barberton, South Africa, by Scotsman Robert Jameson. The flower's scientific name, Gerbera jamesonii, is from the name of its founder. Many modern cut flower forms of Gerbera are derived from crosses between G. jamesonii and G. viridifolia.

♥ 愛 情 花 書 __ Agapanthus L'Hér. 1788 ε Agapanthus: a revision of the genus, 2004 by Wim Snoeijer

Agapanthus L'Hér. 1788
生 南非 為當地的特有種植物

林內 Linnaeus曾視 AgapanthusCrinum香殊蘭屬 的一員 ( Crinum africanum L. 1753). 而他的學生/植物探險家 Carl Peter Thunberg ( 11 Nov. 1743- 8 Aug. 1828) 一度 Agapanthus praecoxMauhlia linearis ( Mauhlia Dahl 1787)

過去在稱呼 Agapanthus, 還有 Hyacinthus風信子屬 和 Tulbaghia紫嬌花屬 都曾適用在他身上. 後者在視 Agapanthus 為 Alliaceae蔥科 的分類上 亦是關係最近的植物. 更早之前 Agapanthus 則被視為 Liliaceae 百合科

由於 Agapanthus 空心型花柱 無異味 視為實心型花柱的 蔥科 有商榷空間; Amaryllidaceae*石蒜科 雖符合空心型花柱 特徵 但子房下位 和子房上位的 Agapanthus 亦不相襯。 近來有如 Wim Snoeijer ( Agapanthus: a revision of the genus, 2004 一書的作者) 主張 視 Agapanthus 為 Agapanthaceae*愛情花科 的單獨屬。.

{ * 若採 APG II system 廣義觀點: Amaryllidaceae石蒜科 併入 Alliaceae蔥科, 並視 Agapanthus愛情花屬為 蔥科的一屬 }

1. 身為林內的學生/門徒 天蠍座的 Carl Peter Thunberg 遠赴南非採集植物的成就 為自己贏得「南非植物學之父」名號. 遠征日本 身為第一個踏上日本的西方學者 一年多的時間 完成史上第一本敘述日本植物的科學著作《 Flora Japonica 》此對日本植物分類的啟蒙 被稱為「日本的林內」。
Thunbergia erecta/ 立鶴花, Thunbergia grandiflora/ 大鄧伯花, Thunbergia alata/ 黑眼蘇珊 Thunbergia mysorensis/ 老鴉嘴花 的屬名 Thunbergia Retz. 1780 由晚 林內 一輩的 瑞典自然學家 Anders Jahan Retzius ( 3 Oct. 1742- 6 Oct. 1821)創設 紀念這位同輩。
原生日本 九州南部與琉球群島的 日本鐵砲百合/復活節百合/ Easter Lily/ テッポウユリ. Lilium longiflorum Thunb. 1794 即由 Thunbergia 於 1794 年發表命名
‧日本庭園最廣植的原生松樹─ 日本黑松 Pinus thunbergii Parl. 1868/ Black Pine の種小名 說的也是 Thunberg


2. Agapanthus: a revision of the genus 一書 2004以修訂本出版 作者 Wim Snoeijer 荷蘭園藝家 書中對於 Agapanthus原生種( 6種) /栽培種( 近600品種!) 的分類 敘述得相當認真 為此不可能的任務 做出完美註解 他亦是 Clematis鐵線蓮 專家

3. 當地人拿 Agapanthus 的根 裝飾新娘頸圈 據信這有利生產 並拿此植物療效幫助分娩 此風俗和法國植物學家 Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle ( 15 Jun. 1746- 18 Aug. 1800) 創設 Agapanthus 屬名 意指 "Flower of Love" 有關. 中文俗名 百子蓮 亦有和此類似 "多產"的聯想

Langage de la Fleur __ 愛情花_ 愛情造訪

26 Aug. 2009
愛 情 花 鳥 __ Je t'aime. Agapornis Selby. 1836 VS Agapanthus L'Hér. 1788

☆( 巨蟹 ) 依戀白玫瑰, 信念純潔百合 _ Cancer Loves White Roses, Believing Lilies Pure ~ for Pierre Joseph Redouté 1759- 1840. 法國時局動盪中,蘊育的繪花家

Pierre Joseph Redouté (10 Jul. 1759- 20 Jun. 1840), peintre de fleurs.

Madonna Lily. Lilium candidum L. 1753

Hosta. Hosta japonica syn. Hosta lancifolia syn. Hemerocallis japonica
Hosta ventricosa syn. Hosta japonica var. caerulea syn. Hemerocallis caerulea