星期五, 7月 18, 1980

( 台 ) 十 二 花 事  Akebia quinata, Holboellia brachyandra, Semiaquilegia ecalcarata, Anthriscus sylvestris

農曆七月:  孟秋,蘭月,建申之月(ㄕㄣ, 猴
農曆八月:  仲秋,桂月,建酉之月(─ㄡˇ, 雞月)
農曆九月:  季秋、暮秋,菊月,建戌之月(ㄒㄩ, 狗月)

"A doctor can bury his mistakes
but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines."
- F r a n k  L l o y d  W r i g h t (1868- 1959)

星期四, 7月 17, 1980

藍 暈 綠 滌 ,天 上 人 間

B l u e in H e a v e n, G r e e n on E a r t h
Meconopsis: Greek mekon, poppy, opsis, alike, poppy-like.
Pedicularis: From louse, referring to the belief that animals grazing this plant would catch lice. Paraquilegia: Greek para, beside, near, Latin aquila, eagle, resemble the columbine plant.

Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, Monstera deliciosa Swiss Cheese Plant, Lemna minor Duckweed, Trachystemon orientalis Abraham-Isaac-Jacob, Saruma henryi Upright Wild Ginger

星期二, 7月 15, 1980

朱 砂 鱼 藻

Carassius auratus 金 魚 鲫 鱼

Elodea canadensis is a plant that looks very similar to two other invasive plants - Hydrilla verticillata and Egeria densa. link