星期二, 11月 27, 1979

星期一, 11月 26, 1979

x Odontioda : Odontoglossum x Cochlioda (Oncidium), Island Red
x Potinara Brassavola x Cattleya x Laelia (x Sophronitis),
   Janet Elizabeth 'Fire Dancer'
x Laeliocattleya : Laelia x Cattleya, Memoria Evelyn Light
   (Lc. Roy Finley x C. Cherry Chip)
Masdevallia Kaleidoscope 'Conni'

星期日, 11月 25, 1979

Australia, 1 8/ 9/ 1 9 8 6

Elythranthera emarginata
Dendrobium nindii
Caleana major
Thelymitra variegata

C a l e a n a: As of May 2014, only one species is recognised: Caleana major, native to South Australia. Two other species (C. minor and C. nigrita) formerly included in this genus are now regarded as members of a different genus, Paracaleana.

Species in this genus is called "duck orchid" because of the form of the labellum. It is pollinated by the male sawfly in similar way to the pollination of Drakaea (hammer orchid) by the thynnid wasp (Thynnidae).

T h e l y m i t r a: Sun orchids exhibit a particular characteristic: their lip shows, except in a few species such as T. variegata, almost the same shape, colour, colour pattern or size as the other petals and sepals, gives a symmetrical shape to the perianth. Furthermore, the lip lacks ornament- ation. In other orchid genera, the lip has a distinctive shape and colour. The particular shape and color of the sun orchids mimics the flowers of lily family and the family Goodeni- aceae, aiming by deceit for the same insect pollinators.

The Slender Sun Orchid (T. pauciflora) only opens for a short time (or not at all) and is self-pollinating. The deep blue colour, found in about 75% of the sun orchids, is of a rare kind, found only in 5 other orchid genera.

New Zealand, 1 9 9 0

Thelymitra pulchella
Corybas macranthus syn. Nematoceras macranthum
Winika cunninghamii
Pterostylis banksii

C o r y b a s: Nematoceras (Hook.f. 1853) was absorbed by Corybas for a long period before being reinstated, but now it is accepted back into Corybas. Such is the nature of the turmoil in orchid taxonomy.

The name of the genus is derived from the Greek κορύβαντος (korybantos), a male dancer, shown in illustrations wearing a crested helmet, who worshipped the goddess Cybele (Phrygia's only known goddess).

W i n i k a: Winika is a monotypic genus of epiphytic orchids that is endemic to New Zealand, was first discovered and catalogued by Solander as Epidendrum pendulum. Subsequently it was recatalogued as Dendrobium cunning- hamii and stayed that way until M. A. Clements removed it to form Winika cunninghamii (M. A. Clem. et al. 1997).

To quote the authors; "Winika is the accepted old Māori name for this orchid. The name Te Winika was given to the sacred war canoe of the Tainui people because this orchid grew on the tōtara tree (Podocarpus totara) which was hollowed out to form the hull (Moore & Irwin, 1978). We assign the feminine gender to it— Winika cunninghamii. The Māori Queen granted consent to use the name.

a l s o: Callisia fragrans, Adiantum &
Epipremnum aureum syn. Pothos aureus

星期六, 11月 24, 1979

星期日, 11月 11, 1979